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Not quite the rumoured Anti-Thatcher demo in Brum!

Dave | 13.04.2013 20:01 | Free Spaces | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham

I had travelled to Victoria Square in Birmingham for a rumoured gathering to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher.

Unfortunately there was only one person turned up for this alleged gathering, so it seemed like a wasted day. However, I noticed a group of teens seemingly being harassed by a police officer so I went to investigate.

The teens were being told to leave Birmingham for fear that they would cause harassment, intimidation or distress. I was surprised to hear that it's quite normal for the police to prevent teenagers from congregating in public areas ("the whole of Birmingham"!) so decided to ask a few questions.

Also, in an unconnected incident I caught the final stages of an arrest of a UK Uncut campaigner who was part of a group of protesters campaigning against recent government cuts. For more info on this campaign see

Overall an interesting couple of hours though it's a shame the rumoured anti-Thatcher gathering was indeed only a rumour. That's the problem with rumours!



Display the following 4 comments

  1. more than one person — anarchokez
  2. Well no — Al the Rott
  3. re: Party In Birmingham — Party Goer
  4. Thatcher death party did happen. — Karl
