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Photos from yesterdays Birmingham Council House Occupation and Demonstration

Save Birmingham | 05.02.2013 15:35 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham

Yesterday afternoon around 1:30 a group of 20 Save Birmingham protesters entered Birmingham City Council House and occupied the Balcony overlooking Victoria Square. The protest was against the planed £625m cuts the council are about to implement. The Labour group who have a majority on the Council were to have a private meeting later that night at 6:30 to agree these cuts ahead of the budget vote on February 26.

After securing blacony protesters display "No Cuts Banner"
After securing blacony protesters display "No Cuts Banner"

A seperate 'Slient Protest' had been on going since the morning
A seperate 'Slient Protest' had been on going since the morning

Enjoying the view of brum from above
Enjoying the view of brum from above

Security take banners down and try to take them away from protesters
Security take banners down and try to take them away from protesters

Game of chess security vs protesters during the 4 hour stalemate over banners
Game of chess security vs protesters during the 4 hour stalemate over banners

Protestors eventually win
Protestors eventually win

Police arrive
Police arrive

Banners eventually won back from security
Banners eventually won back from security

"No Cuts", "Resist"
"No Cuts", "Resist"

200 strong protest arrives to greet balcony occupiers
200 strong protest arrives to greet balcony occupiers

Communites Against the Cuts
Communites Against the Cuts

Birmingham Grannies Against the Cuts
Birmingham Grannies Against the Cuts

Dont Make Birmingham A Ghost Town
Dont Make Birmingham A Ghost Town

The group stayed up on the balcony for about five hours where at 6:00pm they were greeted by a 200 strong demonstration that had marched from the Bullring to Victoria Square.

Save Birmingham
