The Plan is to have a big march in Birmingham City to protest against the ACTA and as a local (to the UK) extra - the Digital Economy Act - that was rail-roaded through the final days of the last Labour government. See

More details to follow.
So it looks like SOPA/PIPA is not as dead as we would have liked either - the Americans have to fight CISPA too now. - very much like the snooping powers that our own government has backed down on (for now).
For information on CISPA see

People may also have interest in taking part in the more general democratic actions on 12th May. We were, for a time, going to have this march as part of that action but it makes much more sense to co-ordinate with the specific CISPA/ACTA/SOPA protests across Europe on 9th June.
Think 11th Feb but THINK MUCH BIGGER.
We need Birmingham PROTESTERS, UK COLUMN, BRITISH REVOLUTION, LAWFUL REBELLION, THE BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL GROUP, UK UNCUT, BRISTOL CLASS ACTION, and every other protest group to join with ANONYMOUS (UK) this day to make sure that these Act's and Law's are rejected once more.