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Global Teach In

Birmingham Free University | 19.04.2012 16:43 | Education | Birmingham

Birmingham Teach In organised by Occupy Birmingham:
UNISON Birmingham Branch, 19th Floor,
McLaren building, 48 Priory Queensway

The Global Teach-In will take place simultaneously in seven countries and multiple cities, starting on April 25th April 25th, 2012, 2012 at 12:00 Noon Eastern Daylight Time This interactive and participatory event will include discussions by experts, grassroots activists and citizens at large concerned about developing solutions to policy problems and creating alternative institutions. The Teach-In will involve face-to-face deliberation, teleconferencing and an internet-based broadcasting network. Local teach-in groups already exist or are in formation. Participate by organizing a teach-in, joining a local group or listening to the broadcast.

Birmingham Free University
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