Occupy has helped change the political agenda. In today’s edition of the Independent it is notable that 60% of people polled want a redistribution of wealth with calls for those who are richer taking on a greater burden of taxation. Today we learn that a leading UK bank has been prevented by HMRC from exploiting tax loopholes and saving itself paying more than £500 million in taxation. It is clear our work has not been completed.
Occupy Birmingham have worked in federation with other occupiers across Britain and Ireland to question why it is that the financial system has been allowed to develop to service the interests of an elite few rather than service the collective benefit of the societies that generate the wealth. This has resulted in occupiers assisting campaigns such as UK Uncut and the boycott of Workfare and the development of practical solutions, such as working to establish a Free University.
Occupy Birmingham would like to thank the supporters who have helped the camp get through the Winter months and to encourage people to become involved in activities that support economic justice. We will be holding a open GA on Saturday March 3rd at 1.00pm to ask people what measures they most want to see in the Coalitions forthcoming budget.
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