4 more unions announced positive ballot results for strike action over pensions today – FDA and Prospect, who both represent civil servants, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and the Society of Radiographers.
FDA represent senior civil servants, and they voted 81% in favour on a 54% turnout – a huge mandate, and another one that, like the NAHT vote last week, shows how much anger there is at the governments plans to make people work longer, pay more and get less.
Prospect members voted 75% in favour on a 52% turnout. This means that all 3 civil service unions will be on strike on 30th November, as PCS still have a live ballot that saw them strike on the 30th June.
Meanwhile, the Society of Radiographers got a stomping result with 83% of members voting in favour of action on a 58% turnout.
The most resounding result of the day though goes to the Physiotherpaists, with 86% voting yes on a huge 66% turnout.
30th November is shaping up to be a huge day, and you can keep up date with things in Birmingham on our special 30th November pages,
http://birminghamagainstthecuts.wordpress.com/upcoming-actions/30th-november-strike-day/ including the arguments for the strike, the ballot results and events & pickets happening on the day.
We need your help with this – please let us know if your workplace will have a picket.