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Genocide in Libya: can we talk about it now?

Simon Hinds | 06.11.2011 15:31 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Birmingham | World

Speak out about our government support for black genocide.

Our government backs so-called revolutionaries who massacre Africans in Libya. Stay silent and you’re saying it’s OK. And what’s next? The quiet re-colonisation of Africa? Don’t think this is a stupid exaggeration. Plans are already afoot. Don’t go to a union meeting if you don’t want to but don’t use it as an excuse to do nothing. Think of your own way to say NO to genocide.

- Rebels clear Misrata of black people,
- NGO says no evidence of African mercenaries in E Libya, +
- ex CIA man says many Libyan rebels are Al Qaida-type Jihadists, also,

- Report by UN on human rights in Libya that was blocked by the US,

Meeting: Unity House @ 39 Chalton St. NW1,1200 – 1600hrs: Saturday 12th November 2011
(Nearest tube Euston & Kings Cross, walk along Euston Road towards either station lookout for Rocket pub)

Called by RMT South East Black and Ethnic Members (BEM) Committee. Supported by Global Afrikan Congressuk (GACuk) Pan Afrikan Society Community Forum (PASCF) Haiti First Haiti Now (HFHN), Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB-ML), RMT Finsbury Park (0543) Pan Afrikan Community Movement (PACM)

“NATO troops and so called ‘rebels’ have all been killing Afrikans in Libya. These are Afrikan people living in an Afrikan country, which just happens to have an Arab majority. These killings have now been confirmed by independent witness. Their genocidal scorched earth policy has been applied only to towns and cities where majority Afrikans were living. Throughout the conflict, the white left in the West have been immobilised – with notable exceptions of MPs John Mcdonnell, Jeremy Corbyn and London Transport section of RMT. The rest have been fighting among themselves to see who could ‘support’ NATO the most. Pan Afrikanist were also caught out with many not wishing to ‘upset their Muslim Alliance’ as if speaking out against Racist in an Arab controlled country would somehow endanger support. Our collective failure and inability to mobilise action against NATO has help ensure the killing of Mammuah Gaddafie and thousands of Afrikans. Can we talk about it now?”

Simon Hinds
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Display the following 3 comments

  1. More on this — Simon H
  2. Nato can never be the good guys — doug
  3. Resolution on Libya — Simon H
