Their new website states:
'We’ve Moved
Posted on November 2, 2011 by Kerry
Occupy Birmingham have moved location.
You can now find us in the gardens behind symphony hall.
We have grass and flowers and peace :),-1.909084&hl=en&ll=52.480203,-1.908931&spn=0.000903,0.001725&sll=52.480291,-1.909116&sspn=0.000903,0.001725&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=19'
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Corporate media report
03.11.2011 13:53
grass and flowers
What's wrong with the UK's Occupy Movement ??
03.11.2011 14:14
When compared with Occupy Wall St, and Occupy LSX ! The Mancs and Brum movements have fallen laughably short !
Lets look at them on a one to one basis:
Occupy Manchester: Doesn't occupy Mancs at all !! yet to hear them on Facebook, you would think that they invented Occupation, and were the model all others were based upon.
There "was" a sort of occupation of Albert Square, but they moved, after being asked to by a rep from ... Harvey Nicks !!!! they then went to the Peace Gardens, but later ran away, because of a few drunks !!!!
Occupy Birmingham: Same problem here really, occupied an area, and then were due to receive an eviction notice on Nov 2nd at 12.00pm, all of a sudden, at @ 10am that very morning, they decided to move, and cave in to authority !! Pleas were sent via Facebook for assistance to move the camp to another behind Birmingham Rep !! The reason they cited, was that the German Market was soon to arrive on site and they did not wish to be intimidated by drunks, as they already had been prior to this, (exactly what Occupy Mancs said)
Sadly, what we have here is clear for ALL to see. A bunch of woolly liberals who decided it would be a "wheeze" to copy-cat other occupations and get their wishy-washy liberal views in the media, Twitter, Indymedia, Facebook and You-Tube. You have to wake up people and smell Occupy Wall Streets coffee !! Holding a serious Occupation means just that, "Serious" and its not a picnic for vegans and spotty students with a media fetish, it is tantamount to being one one stop away from sleeping on the streets, and you need balls to do it.
Finally, Occupation means just that .... Occupying and STAYING PUT ! not fannying to and fro from one locale to another. So the next time you wish to copy a serious action, THINK before hand, and stop jumping on the band-wagon and diluting the Occupy Movement with your half-arsed pissing about !!!!
Incredulous !!
Occupy minds
03.11.2011 18:13
rainbow dancer