Thursday 8th September 6pm- VIVID
For more information go here:

Just Do It - a tale of modern-day outlaws
A film by Emily James
“Rousing stuff” **** EMPIRE
“Smart, funny, adrenalised portrait of 21st-century activism” Danny Leigh, The Guardian
Watch the trailer here:

Invite your friends to the facebook group here:

To reserve a ticket contact Laura at

The screening will be followed by a bumber Q&A with Director Emily James.
Just Do It lifts the lid on climate activism and the daring troublemakers who have crossed the line to become modern day outlaws. Emily James spent over a year embedded in activist groups such as Climate Camp and Plane Stupid to document their clandestine activities. With unprecedented access, Just Do It introduces you to a powerful cast of mischievous and inspiring characters who put their bodies in the way; they blockade factories, attack coal power stations and glue themselves to the trading floors of international banks despite the very real threat of arrest.
Their adventures will entertain, illuminate and inspire.
It's not possible to pre-book tickets in advance for this screening, but if you'd like to reserve a ticket contact Laura at

Group Discounts!
For every 5 tickets pre-booked for a Just Do It screening get a 6th free! Why not make a party of it and bring your group along to see the film?
Contact our Outreach Coordinator Molly at

JDI T’s&C’s
To claim your very own group discount, make sure Molly has all your information (group size, contact person and the screening you’ll be attending) by 12noon on the day of the screening. Tickets not claimed 15 minutes before screening start time will be released to the public. See you in Birmingham!