"Corporate greed plans to trash our amazing Earth again. Near Wellington, at the foot of the Wrekin, is a 230 acre site now in the clutches of UK Coal. It covers part of the Shropshire Hills area of outstanding natural beauty and encroaches on ancient woodland, which is popular with walkers and a host of animals including deer. They want to extract 900,000 Tonnes of poor grade coal, massively disrupting the villages and surrounding habitats. The protest site was established in March 2010 by occupation and defence of the woodlands.
"We are a sustainable, friendly eco-community and welcome new people."
Yourself! There is camping and crash space available.
Huntington Lane Anti-UK Coal Protest Site
New Works Lane, Wellington, Near Telford, Shropshire.
Site phones:
07503 583419 or 07789 100363
Getting to the site via public transport:
From Wellington (Telford West) Train Station: Leave the station via the exit next to the ticket office and walk up the stairs to the left of The Station Hotel, immediately outside, to get to the bus station.
The nearest bus stop is on Glendale in Lawley, a short walk from the site. You can get there on either the number 76 or 66 bus from Wellington Bus Station.
Number 66 Bus Timetable 25 minutes past the hour until 5pm.
Number 76 Bus Timetable 35 minutes past the hour until 5pm.
On a bike:
From the station car park, go along The Parade and turn right into Victoria Road. Turn left into High Street at pedestrian lights (no left turn with a car - you have to cross the pavement). Cycle along High Street, which eventually becomes Mill Bank, and then cross the B5061 into Dawley Road. Continue along Dawley road, over the M54, then look out for a fork on the right, which is New Works Lane. Go up New Works Lane, past a few houses and a lot of hedges. Nearly at the top of the hill, you'll see 30mph signs just before the next lot of houses starts. The entrance to the site is on your right just before the first house. PS It's a lot quicker and easier on the downhill return journey!
In a car:
There's a bit of a layby on New Works Lane just before the site entrance (coming uphill) or a better one lower down the hill. Alternatively, the camp has arranged a space for people to leave their vehicles at The Haygate, Haygate Road, Wellington, Telford TF1 1QA. If you intend to leave your vehicle here, then please park near the recycling bank.
For maps and more information about getting to the site, see:

Hope to see you there!
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