Publicans Carl Durose & Eniko Pusztavari took over The Horseshoe Inn in Ledbury Herefordshire just two months ago. The couple saw it as the perfect opportunity to showcase some of Eniko's native Hungarian dishes. “As we were serving Hungarian food, it just seemed natural to us to continue with the Hungarian theme with the decor” This included some historic maps and photos of Hungary and a Hungarian flag flying outside. Since erecting the flag in the Historic market town of Ledbury they have received numerous threats of violence and people insisting that they only fly the St Georges cross. Carl who is British said: “After the first incident I looked into buying a second flagpole so we could fly both the Hungarian flag and the Union flag I thought this would satisfy most people” But before he had chance to buy a second flagpole they were getting more people coming in complaining about the Hungarian flag. The government regulations state you can fly the flag of any country without permission. Eniko said “I moved to the UK six years ago and I've always found it such a welcoming country. I am very proud of my heritage and I think the English should be more proud of their Heritage too. Since these incidences for the first time I feel scared living here.” Eniko insisted Carl took the flag down as such The Horseshoe remains flagless until further notice.
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Not surprising
30.07.2011 17:07
More details?
01.08.2011 14:57
Also, out of curiosity has this been publicised anywhere apart from Indymedia?
@Scumquani, I don't think that kind of attitude will help anyone, 'a lot of the people' in Ledbury do not work at the shithole that is Sequani.
Hereford Border Front
We Must Act to Defeat the Fascist Scum.
03.08.2011 12:06
For a rancid taste of such unpleasantness, have a look at the Facebook page dedicated to Ledbury Approves Tesco Superstore (a rival group to the community campaign set up to stop an Out of Town Superstore destroying the town's lovely independent High St). And for anyone interested: FB Ledbury Opposes Tesco Superstore and
Dickie H
To Dickie H
07.01.2012 22:21
Hi-jacking a thread to suit your own purpose is pretty much one of the most unpolite things you can do on the net, so why don't you just go back to your smear campaign and leave others alone.
My apologies to Carl Durose & Eniko Pusztavari for my response here and I hope this issue can be sorted out as quickly as possible, I can only say that these people are a minority and in no way represent the majority of the town (just like LOTS)