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Hereford Heckler 19 & 20 now online...

Hereford Solidarity League | 07.07.2011 10:45 | Other Press | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements | Birmingham

The April/May and June/July copies of the Hereford Heckler are now online...

The April/May issue includes:
-Banks targetted by anti-Cuts campaigners
-Hereford Mayday March
-Council Cuts Pensioners' Call Out System
-Greek 'I Won't Pay' movement

To view it go to-

The June/July issue includes:
-Public sector strikes
-Lessons from 'It's Our City'
-Turning the tide on Tesco
-Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots
-Sports articles and much more!

To view it go to-

You can also find the Hereford Heckler on facebook - search 'Hereford Heckler
...and follow us on Twitter -

Hereford Solidarity League
- e-mail: kay.bulstreet[at]
- Homepage:
