On october 13th uk coal in cooperation with the national eviction team begun work on the southern part of the site and have begun work, trashing the land with a large array of massive earthmoving equipment. since then the mine has become an operating opencast however the camp is still going as good as ever and getting stronger by the day!
We plan to include skillsharing including site skills, action and defense building, information sharing and networking with activists from other campaigns.
Come to the gathering to enjoy free vegan food, nature walks through huge areas of uninterrupted beautiful ancient woodland, acoustic music by the campfire and enjoying the company of the lovely people at the site.
Some crash space is available but if possible please bring your own tent and sleeping equipment. Waterproof warm clothes are of course a necessity at this time of year too.
We will provide tasty hot vegan food for all the gathering by donation, come with many hands for chopping veg.
How to get there:
Detailed travel directions are available at http://defendhuntingtonlane.wordpress.com/public-transport-links/, or call us on 07503 583419, email defendhuntingtonlane@gmail.com for assistance.
Please help spread the word and bring your friends to the gathering!