Teesside Public Services Alliance – organising meeting at St. Mary’s Centre, Corporation Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 2RW.

Save South Manchester Law Centre.

Tuesday16 November
Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance : United Against Cuts Public Meeting. Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate’s, Oxford.

Bath Anti-cuts protest, Meets at Guildhall, Bath at 5.30pm.

Wednesday 17th November
National FBU Firefighters Rally and Lobby of Westminster for pay, pensions, jobs, conditions and services.

Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance – Lobby Lewisham Council. From 5.15pm at Lewisham Town Hall.

Croydon Alliance for Public Services public meeting. 7-9pm. Ruskin House, Coombe Road, Croydon, United Kingdom, CR0 1BD. Speakers include Mark Serwotka.

Birmingham Alliance Founding Meeting.

Sunderland Against The Cuts – organising meeting. 19:30pm.

Edinburgh students organising meeting 7pm.

Thursday 18th November
Lobby of Scottish Parliament called by PCS from 11.30am.

Lancaster and Morecombe against the cuts Public Meeting. 7.30pm at The Ashton Hall, Lancaster Town Hall.

Newcastle Public Services Alliance meeting. 17:00pm at Unison Regional Office, 140 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, NE1 6TH.

Durham Public Services Alliance – organising meeting. 17:30 at County Hall, Durham, DH 1 5UL.

Glasgow students organising meeting.

Blackpool anticuts meeting.

Friday 19th November
Blackpool anticuts meeting.

Saturday 20th November
Gloucestershire Anti Cuts Alliance and Gloucester Districts Trades Council March and Demonstration against the ConDem cuts. Starting point is Gloucester Park at 10am.

Preston Trades Council: Anti-cuts demo. Saturday 20th November, time to be confirmed. Preston Flag Market, Preston.

Cambridgeshire Against the Cuts open conference for all of those who want to fight cuts to jobs, services, pay, pensions and benefits. 10.30 am – 4pm at Bailey Rooms, Castle Court, Shire Hall, Castle St, Cambridge, CB3 0AP. Register for the conference:

Nottingham March and Rally. Marching from the Forest Recreation Ground at 11.30am to the Market Square in Nottingham for a rally at 12.30pm. More info:

Lambeth Save Our Services Public Meeting. St Matthews Tenants Hall in Brixton from 12pm.