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Crude Awakening

West Midlands Person | 17.10.2010 23:22 | Climate Chaos | Birmingham

Crude Awakening. A mass direct action to stop the flow of oil to London. Three blocs: the Dirty money bloc meeting at Euston, the Building bloc meeting at Waterloo and the Body bloc meeting at Victoria. The final location \ target to be revealed over twitter. This is all that was known before the day of the action.

At 10:00am people on the different blocs started receiving twitter updates and text messages directing them where to go next. After a bit of travelling around London via the tube the target and location were revealed, Coryton oil refinery, the busiest in the UK. News came through that 12 women had locked on to two vehicles on the only road that services the refinery, blockading it and preventing oil tankers from entering or leaving the site. They where soon joined by the Dirty Money bloc who helped reinforce the blockade and the Building bloc who set up a second blockade with bamboo tripods and arm tubes further down the road that not only served as a secondary blockade but also blocked access to another road leading to a second refinery owned by Shell. The police had been completely on the back-foot all this time expecting, like everyone else, for the action to happen in London, they took some of their frustration out on the Body Bloc by delaying the train to Stanford-le-hope. One of the more comfortable police kettles. However one carriage was subjected to a stop and search looking for "items that may be used to cause criminal damage” or as one officer put it Molasses used to poison fish with. The body bloc eventually arrived to reinforce the Tripod blockade. The final addition to the party was a group of stilt walkers. There were now around 500 protesters blockading the refinery which normally sees tankers containing 34,000 litres (7,500 gallons) of oil leave the site every few minuets. The supply of oil to London had been successfully turned off. A large Shell sign was given a bit of a redecoration with police unable to act due to a laundry area provided by The Space Hijackers where activists were able to quickly change appearance. The first blockade packed up and merged with the Tripod blockade at 5:00pm with both packing up soon after. No arrests were made. The only criticism of the action would be that it’s been said that the 12 women who originally locked on did so as an all women group with no men allowed. I don't know if this is true but if it is then for a movement that prides it's self on being inclusive and treating all people equally no matter what class, colour or gender, if it is true then its somewhat annoying that we are introducing such divisions. I hope it's not true. That been said it was an awesome and inspiring action, blockading the UK's busiest oil refinery. We need a lot more actions like this more often. Well done every one involved.

West Midlands Person


WMCA dispute this article

19.10.2010 22:22

This report about crude awakening was published with the author listed as West Midlands Climate Action. This was written without the consent of the rest of the WMCA group and contains views we don't necessarily agree with. Can the West Midlands Climate Action name along with the link to our website be removed from this particular article please?



Hide the following 6 comments

Class divisions

18.10.2010 14:40

'...a movement that prides it's self on being inclusive and treating all people equally no matter what class, colour or gender, if it is true then its somewhat annoying that we are introducing such divisions.'

Why would I as a poor person want to be in a movement with rich people. Their interests as rich people are opposed to mine as a poor person.

"When you consider that climate change is caused by the over-consumption of fossil fuels by the rich, often extracted at the expense of the poor; that the first people to feel the effects of climate change are the poor because only the rich can pay for expensive adaptation measures; that the process which is designed to prevent climate change is dominated by the rich, who come up with solutions that displace the poor but make money for the rich; then you stop seeing climate change as a problem of atmosphere and gases and start seeing it as a problem of class war."

Poor Person

@ above

18.10.2010 18:26

Why shouldnt women organise and take action autonomously? The initial action was women only, but plenty of men took place in the blocade.Thats great because climate change, like poverty, is a feminist issue. It is women who are already suffering the most from climate change and poverty, and it is women and children who will suffer the most in the future when we reach peak oil.
Get over it. most women live in a men-only space, so women organising autonomously and taking the lead in the battle against climate change, is something that should be celebrated, not scorned.



18.10.2010 18:39

........"The only criticism of the action would be that it’s been said that the 12 women who originally locked on did so as an all women group with no men allowed. I don't know if this is true but if it is then for a movement that prides it's self on being inclusive and treating all people equally no matter what class, colour or gender".

This comment kind of misses the point. If a group of women want to do an action together, what's the problem? I believe that we should be inclusive and treat people equally, and having groupings based around a number of individual choices is no obstacle to that. Women acting together is not a gender issue. It's a choice. If you don't know why that choice is sometimes made by some women, then you have a lot to learn about inclusiveness and equality.

Kat BanOil

@poor person

18.10.2010 19:20

"Why would I as a poor person want to be in a movement with rich people. Their interests as rich people are opposed to mine as a poor person."

Peter Kropotkin came from the upper classes



18.10.2010 20:08

Poor person has access to a computer, Can read and write, and apparently has free time to spend noodling around on the internet. Sounds like a rich person to me, Certainly by global standards anyway. My advice: Get Kropotkin out of your arse and do something useful rather than bitching about other peoples actions.

Anarchist formerly known as Prince


19.10.2010 10:15

"most women live in a men-only space"

soph far
