Here are the photos of the shameful police collaborator (in orange).
He then talked with police who told us that he had complained therefore we had to put the banner away or face arrest. so we temporarily put the banner away until the march started.
This is not the first time the SWP have allowed stewards to work as plastic Gestapo, they need a statement issued NOW on this sort of shit because next time we will use more than words in response to their collusion with the police and state.
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not very nice
05.10.2010 12:20
Bcw hear that once the evening came many a nervous delegate was engaged in meaningful discussion regarding policy by small groups of the working class.
What a little fucker
05.10.2010 12:29
I'm afraid though there is no hope for some people in this world, if they're still unable to see that the SWP is nothing but a state collaborater organisation then they'll forever be terminally deluded.
Smashy smashy
The steward in question is Chris Bambery
05.10.2010 12:45
Chris Bambery - leader of SWP threaten protestors with arrest
london anarchist
Chris Bambery
05.10.2010 12:51
This is your man...
"Chris Bambery is a member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Workers Party."
Gloucestershire Resistance Network
Déjà vu
05.10.2010 13:26
'Cops are workers like us, let them do their job'
anarchist worker
write up
05.10.2010 14:18
05.10.2010 15:40
swp yet again show their true colours .
oi oi
recored stuck on repeate
05.10.2010 17:13
they did it to me at leeds edl.
fixed the wiki page by the way :P
Chris Bambery is the police stooge
05.10.2010 17:51
05.10.2010 17:57
BTW the other bloke in the first photo who Bamber is talking is Charlie Kimber editor of Socialist Worker
Not to be trusted.
05.10.2010 18:18
When we tried to assist our kettled comrades a few of the other marchers did stand with us to show a little solidarity for the members of the bloc surrounded.
However the shit house stewards were ushering the marchers (who did bother to assist) away and like sheep they followed.
Just as you thought it could not get any worse.... the stewards then began whispering sweet nothings into plods ear and pointing at different people in the crowd and trying to stitch every one up.
Kick it till it breaks.
05.10.2010 18:25
We will be publishing the witness statements also, hopefully he will confirm what he said, but frankly I doubt it...
CPC direct action bloc
I can confirm
05.10.2010 19:13
this is funny
05.10.2010 19:40
read it
shock / horror
05.10.2010 22:58
This is so non-news its ridiculous. Moral of story - never get between an anarchist and his march. I guess everyone needs a hobby regardless of how stupid it is.
If you didn't spend all your time marching and actually working you wouldn't have to complain about being poor. Seriously, you are putting too much time into this bullshit
Thanks tabby
06.10.2010 07:15
Gwad bless the queen.
Lesson here-treat SWP with same mistrust as the old bill
06.10.2010 08:16
Maybe we should take this and learn from it...dont trust these SWP weirdo' we really need to be directed / instructed on how to protest by a bunch of odd ball police collaborators-unbelievable-bubbling you up to the filth??!!
Look forward to London on 23rd October for some real fun and games...
response from Chris Bambery to the allegations
06.10.2010 08:35
2) I did not exchange a word with a single anarchist all day.
3) I did not ask/request/instruct the police to remove/arrest anyone.
4) My position from the march forming to leaving was at the very front
of the demonstration. As that involved agreeing a slight change in the
route with the police and replying to their requests about what time
we were leaving I'm sure if someone wants a picture of me talking to a
cop they can get one. I can say there are no pictures of me
threatening anyone because I did not.
Finally, no one has asked me about any of this, rather there seems to
be great desire to be judge and jury.
Chris Bambery------------------
Well Chris, there are 8 witness statements to this effect. Are you saying they are all lying?
A tried and tested solution
06.10.2010 17:30
John Creaghe
wait a sec
06.10.2010 18:17
i'm an anarchist, i call myself an anarchist and try to live each moment and be the best anarchist i can be for me and my comrades, not for anyone else, certainly not to keep any other 'group' happy.
So i automatically dis the SWP, I automatically cant stand loads of what they do...Ok, so we know that,
but all this 'bickering' off point, this is taking away from the positive solidarity that was taking place. i personally saw HUNDREDS of people showing solidarity to my fellow anarchos trapped by the pigs, the choirs, the students, SOME SWPers, the old people, the young, the guy with the pushchair and kid, the other 'groups' the IWW, various unions...the people were showing solidarity, it was real.IT WAS REAL.
Now, we know the banner issues was/is real and we know the manchester/leeds and nottingam UAF issues are real.
But we now need to pull our energies into the next event (leicester EDL, SMASH EDO, London) where we can manifest again and not allow the 'leaders' to set us up, where we can look at each other and know, in those moments, that another 'poll tax riot' is possible....thats the next stage for me, so hats off to those that showed solidarity, I COULDN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE COLLABORATORS AND LIARS, but to those that know the time is coming, that a break through from the streets upwards is coming.....fight on.
the kettle solidarity was real, remember that,
as for the banner, lets have it twice as big and twice as angry next time and lets see them try and take it....
the third person
06.10.2010 22:37
Thats funny mate since I know of 4 witnesses who say this story is a load of crock.
Are they lying too?
michelle b
this thread is embarrassing
07.10.2010 07:32
Aww diddums
My nan is more of a threat to the state than you clowns. And she's been dead for 20 years.
real anarchist
State agent
07.10.2010 08:28
Police collaborator
07.10.2010 09:02
Are you fucking thick? We told him to fuck off until he got the cops to threaten us with arrest.
Gloucestershire Anarchists