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Bookie's boss laughs at animal cruelty

Tony Peters | 22.09.2010 20:06 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Ladbrokes chief slammed by campaigners after conference jokes

Demonstrators outside Ladbroke's Monmore Green Stadium
Demonstrators outside Ladbroke's Monmore Green Stadium

One of the bosses of Ladbrokes bookmakers has been slammed by animal protection campaigners after he mocked British anti-cruelty laws during a speech in the USA.

Gordon Bissett, Ladbrokes' Stadia Operations Controller, described this country's animal protection laws as "daft" and ridiculed the necessity to humanely kill a lobster rather than placing it in a pan of boiling water.

Bissett, who is in charge of Ladbrokes two dog tracks at Monmore Green (Wolverhampton) and Crayford, was speaking at a conference of the American Greyhound Track Operators Association in Las Vegas when he made the remarks.

(See for more information)

Tony Peters, UK Co-ordinator for international greyhound protection group Greyhound Action, said he was "disgusted, but not surprised" by Mr Bissett's remarks.

Mr Peters added: "Gordon Bissett is the controller of two tracks that are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of greyhounds every year, so it is hardly surprising that he has a callous attitude to all animals.

"His remarks, and the laughter they caused at this conference, give an insight into the type of people who are involved in running the dog racing industry, which is only too happy to treat greyhounds as disposable commodities.

"They make a pretence to the public of caring about the dogs, but this incident has revealed that they have little or no regard for animal suffering and is even more reason why the public should boycott greyhound racing.

"We estimate that the existence of Ladbrokes' two tracks is responsible for the putting to death of almost 1,000 greyhounds every year, based on recent research which indicates that over 12,000 greyhounds are "put down" annually because of the British dog racing industry.

"Many of these greyhounds are killed while still very young, and even as puppies, after failing to make the grade as racers, and others are put to death when their "careers" on the track come to an end.

"An RSPCA report on greyhound racing has stated that 'at least 20 greyhounds a day - either puppies which do not make the track, or retired dogs aged three or four - simply disappear, presumed killed'.

"In addition, thousands of injuries to greyhounds, many of them serious, occur every year in Britain. The main reason for this is that the shape of the tracks, with fast straights leading into tight bends, creates a very dangerous environment for dogs to run in.

"Members of the public can help put an end to this horrific situation by not attending dog tracks or betting on greyhound racing, so this appalling death-industry fades away through lack of financial support."

Local Greyhound Action supporters hold regular demos outside Monmore Green Stadium as part of a campaign to get the greyhound track there closed down. The photo above, taken at one of their demonstrations can be viewed and downloaded in larger format for printing (right click on picture) at for use, free of charge.

For more information, please visit Greyhound Action's website at or contact Tony Peters on 01562 700 043 or 07703 558724.

Tony Peters
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I love to slit an animal's throat whilst it is still conscious

23.09.2010 07:06

There seems to be a big silence from all the Lefties as regards halal slaughter.

How come you're not speaking out about this?

Double standards?

Allahu Akbar infidels and Dhimmis!

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Piss off Islamonazi

23.09.2010 07:30

We are vegan and campaign on many issues, get your facts right. Pigs going into the scalding tanks still alive are not halal, shellfish being boiled to death are not halal. Yes I oppose halal slaughter especially if it takes place in an abbatoir (and there is nothing said about abbatoirs or factory farming, cloning, GM etc in the Koran) because I oppose ALL slaughter. Halal in an abbatoir is marginally more of an atrocity, halal murder on a farm following the strict Islamic guidelines is less barbaric than what passes for humane in the UK.
Well done to those who stand outside these greyhound tracks, I'll try and get along to support one day.

Lynn Sawyer


23.09.2010 07:54

fuck off with you pathetic advise. We in animal rights want nothing to do with you and your state funded activities.....

The Grass

Here we go..

23.09.2010 11:53

Can the moderators remove the troll droppings please? Thanks

Lynn Sawyer

Animal rights

23.09.2010 13:11

Hello Lynn,

Despite your animosity to me, I wish you well and good luck in your campaign.

For I am against halal, not because it is another tool to bash Muslims with, I am genuinely for animal welfare and see it as a retrograde step, when Britain has been making progress in the farming of animals. I just wish Labour had enforced the same rules/standards for imported meat, as it does on our domestic farming, instead of allowing the food industry to import cheaper meat without the welfare standards.

RH (formerly Islamonazi)

Halal issue is a red herring

23.09.2010 14:50

You'd be hard pushed to slide a Rizla between the cruelty involved in religious slaughter and that involved in regular slaughter. To differentiate is welfarist and allows animal abuse to go on for longer.

It would be like praising a rapist for using a condom. Rape is wrong, period, just as animal slaughter is wrong, period. The religious slaughter issue is just used by racists trying to hijack animal rights for their own agenda.


Reply to vegan

23.09.2010 22:41


Yes, I totally understand your post and that you see halal as a mere distraction.

However, much as I'm not as au fait with animal welfare/slaughter as you are, you are not probably as knowledgeable about Islamism as I am.

The trouble is, Islam is a total belief system, not a religion. Whilst you get to promote animal welfare under the secular UK, it will be a world of difference under Sharia. Just look at countries under Islamic rule.

I'm not asking you to like the EDL or try and even understand us, but please do research on animal welfare in Islamic countries and see how much they (animal rights) are allowed to protest.

It is a basic tenet of Islam that they must implement Sharia acrosss the whole world. They have some pretty sick ideas when it comes to animals, which makes our fox hunters look like nice people.



24.09.2010 07:05

Interesting points. The issue we have I think, and I can only speak for myself here, is that I am not a bigot and I am not opposed to anyone practicing their religion and culture unless they harm another sentient being. If a woman really wants to wear a burqa who am I to tell her otherwise? If another person is bullying her or forcing her to wear it I have a huge problem with that, Her liberty and health and the health of her children are at risk (vitamin D comes from sunlight, lack of it can lead to osteoporosis and fetal growth retardation). I will use extreme violence against any fucker who tries to make me wear a burqa if it ever comes to that and I don't think it will. I am not opposed to Islam, I do not want to be associated with this blanket hatred of Muslims which is sweeping the nation and polarising people into 2 separate camps. Many Muslims who I have met are just ordinary decent folk, some are vegan.
I do have a problem with what you call Islamism, the idea of a world dominated by this one belief system or a couple of whackos ideas of what the belief system actually is Ihave no idea whether this is just talk or a genuine threat . I would like to know more about it. I am vehemently opposed to all imperialism. In fact I have a massive problem with it and agree with you but to say that Halal is more cruel than normal slaughter is missing the point. Every single one of those animals is terrified and suffers pain, some (according to a report from the USA) are skinned alive fully concious because of the speed of the line , they are often not stunned properly. A ban on Halal and indeed Kosher (and I don't think the Jews are planning world dominion) is as vegan says a red herring a waste of our time, a slaughterhouse welfare measure which really makes no difference to those having their throats slashed.
I would say as well that by marginalising ordinary Muslims we are simply putting them in an impossible isolated position where they cannot fight fundamentalism.

Lynn Sawyer

Vegan muslims

24.09.2010 07:44

What islamonazi seems to forget is that there are vegan Muslims and vegan Jews. This stops the slaughter of many more animals. As more and more Muslims and Jews become veggie so the slaughter will reduce.

Also Halal/kosher butchers and abbatoirs have faced the same amount of direct action as non-halal/kosher ones. I can remember a case in huddersfield where a particularly nasty Halal abbatoir was permanently shut down. The AR people who shut it down were taken to court but were found innocent (to have acted in good faith) when the owners admitted all the animal welfare regulations they had broken. Similarlu non-halal abbatoirs have been attacked.


Reply to RH

24.09.2010 09:38

Don't get me wrong, I think Islam is a steaming pile of shit, but then so is Christianity, Judaism and all the other religions.

But trying to single out Islam as being particularly worse for animals than any of the other religions is naïve at best. Mohammed was reportedly a massive cat lover, for example.

I thought the EDL though the sun shines out of Israel's arse? So don't they oppose kosher slaughter, which is essentially the same as halal? Or are you one of the confused EDLers who isn't sure whether to love Jews because you hate Muslims, or hate Jews because antisemitism is the right-wing Way?

