Stallholders will include:
Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) - They have a vast range of merchandise including clothes, books, chocolates, stationery, vitamin wallcharts & lots more, see www.viva.org.uk
Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans (BVV) - Local information, newsletters, advice etc from this social & support group, see www.bvv.org.uk
The Chocolate Wendy House - Small Birmingham based company selling gorgeous cream eggs, truffles, orange segments & lots more, see www.chocolatewendyhouse.co.uk
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - International non-profit, marine wildlife conservation society, see www.seashepherd.org/uk
Brackencraft - Natural handmade soaps, bath bombs, moisturiser, lip balm & lots more, see www.brackencraft.co.uk
The One Earth Shop - Situated on Allison Street, Digbeth, this is the longest running purely vegan shop in the country and a range of their goodies will be on sale on this stall, see www.facebook.com/TheOneEarthShop
The Farm Animal Sanctuary - This was Britain's first ever farm animal sanctuary, located near Evesham, and is now home to over 500 animals, see www.thefarmanimalsanctuary.co.uk
Tasker's Takeaways - Authentic takeaway vegan food supplied frozen for your freezer, see www.redditchveggies.makessense.co.uk/locations/1453.html
Yoga in Daily Life - Birmingham based centre which demonstrates simple principles and practices of yoga to support individual and social health and harmony, see www.uk.yogaindailylife.org
Popcorn4U - Supplier of popcorn and candy floss!
Cupcake Jo's - Delicious vegan cupcakes, hand made using fairtrade and organic ingredients wherever possible.
Birmingham Animal Rights Collective - Local grassroots campaigners against all forms of animal cruelty, see www.birminghamar.webs.com
Harts of Chester - Vegan cakes, puddings etc.
PAWING - Small Birmingham based animal rescue which also raises money for other animal charities, see www.pawing.co.uk
Holistically You - Offers fully professional holistic massage therapies for stress, back pain etc, based in Redditch, see www.holisticallyyou.co.uk
Green Man - Wheatgrass stall
Artisan Preserves - Local producer of quality preserves & chutneys using only local ingredients, see www.artisanpreserves.blogspot.com
For further details, see

Also see