What is really desperately needed right now is visitors to the site, whether that be for an hour or two, overnight or longer. Any support of this kind would be incredibly valuable at the moment so please pay a visit if you can – more is certainly merrier! The longer people can stay the better, but just paying a visit for an hour or two would be appreciated.
To quote one of todays visitors;
“This is fantastic! I spent an hour there today, and I wish I could spend several months or even years, out in these woods. Buzzards over head, green woodpeckers laughing, wonderful wood smoke and fresh, fresh air. And no TV! “
If that doesn't encourage you to pay a visit to the camp, then we don't know what will! Please do stop by the site if you get a chance, everyone is welcome :) Whether you can spare an hour, a day or more – it all helps! There’s plenty of space to pitch your tent and sleeping space is available for a few people if you are tent-less.
Maps and a wish list are available on the defendhuntingtonlane.wordpress.com blog
If you plan on visiting maybe you could drop us a line at defendhuntingtonlane(@)hushmail.com so we know when to expect you :)
Many thanks.
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Great news!
17.03.2010 19:23
Love & Solidarity
Crusty Camper
Crusty Camper