friday the 5th: 4 hours stoppage/ demos with 10000/
three hours of clashes with police/ lots of helmets and shields bbq'd/
Vyronas after the murder and the attack of the moto-bike-cops
occupied Park in Exarchia
9 weeks of migrant fishers strike and soli-demo in salonika
linksunten: 06.03.2010 - 15:35. Kommentare: 1
On the foto: The person who put down the German Nazi flag from the Acropolis in 1941, beaten up and sprayed with tear-gas in 2010 from the Greek authorities, the servants of Deutsche Bank, Siemens and other multinational criminals.
Friday 5th March 2010
•Gatherings and demonstrations all around Greece against the Greek government's and EU's austerity program. In Athens more than 10.000 people in the gathering of PAME and almost the same number in the gathering of out-parliamentary organizations to express their opposition to the new slavery plans. Mr. Panagopoulos, the head of GSEE (General Confederations of Workers Greece) was attacked with yoghurt, coffee and water when he tried to make a speech among the protestors; the anger of the workers rised up and some clashes with him and his bodyguards took place. Just to remind about him, this pimp of the workers' rights, has refused during the last days to announce an official General Strike for today, day when the governors voted for the austerity program. The special pigs' units sprayed also teargas on the face of Manolis Glezos, 88 years old, when he tried to take a youngster away from the pigs' hands and avoid this arrest. Manolis Glezos took down the German Nazi flag from Acropolis in May 1941 and now in 2010 was attacked by the servants of neoliberal economical plans. After the attack against Glezos, many people moved against the pigs in front of the parliament and took away their shields, helmets and other "democratic" equipment of them. Many clashes with cops also in front of Arsakeio school and at Propylaia area. The government gave order to evacuate the Labor Ministry, where people tried to brake the front door, but the pigs deffended the building. The General State Accounting offices squatted for one more day with strong clashes in front of the building. Many banks, street cameras, luxurious cars and shopping malls also smashed down. The National Printing bulding squatted by workers of the Inland Ministry to stop the printing of the new economical laws and condemn that the government keeps also a secret agenta. In total, 5 arrests in Athens; 2 persons accused with heavy crimes and 3 with light ones.
- Video, one of the arrests:

- Fotos & Video (on the video, the time of the attack to Panagopoulos, the "syndicalist" of GSEE who is payed with 130.000 euros per year and prefers to defend the rights of industrialists instead of the workers' rights):

- Fotos Athens, Parliament:

- Fotos Athens, StE:

on 11th March, one more Panhellenic General Strike ...
Saturday 6th March 2010
•Motorcycle demonstration in Thessaloniki under cold and rain in solidarity with the Egyptian fishermen workers who strike for almost 9 weeks now. The protestors informed people in the streets and in the local fish market about the fishermen's strike and the fascistic attacks against them. (watch older updates)
•Demonstration in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia among the 3 days mobilization actions of the self managed park of Navarinou street which was squatted by citizens in December 2008 and is still squatted without any comercial use or involve of the government.
Video and Fotos:

•Information action in Vyronas district of Athens, where Nikolas Toddi was killed by pigs on 16th February 2010. The demonstration that took place on 27th February in the district to condemn this event was brutally beaten up by pigs and many people are accused by law for their decision not to remain silent to the state's murders. (watch older updates)
Manolis Glezos
german news
ontopic Verfasst von: kein name. Verfasst am: Sa, 06.03.2010 - 16:32.
not sure if it makes sense to post this article also at indymedia germany because the censorshit started again (point 3 p.m. german time)
there are two german articles about the last days in athens and as readers had some questions it was impossible to answer.
also english comments with links get hidden while the silly counter comments stay.
may be one of the mods is a greeks-hating "turk", hahaha
for me it's time to quit that shit.
nobody in germany will print it out and bring it to the streets
news from germoney: only some friends of KKE made a rally in front of the greek embassy in Berlin
some time ago there was a FAU-demo of 600 in Berlin and also no word about on indy
Citybank changed it's name into Targabank - finding that new name took them 350.000 €
money machines are from now on filled with paint-bags to defend against the increasing breaches with looting filled in gas
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