National March and Rally in London
On Saturday April 24th 2010 campaigners from across the country, as well as many from overseas, will be gathering in London to mark World Day for Animals in Laboratories. Following a rally in Cavendish Square, close to Oxford Circus, we will be marching through the centre of London, past some of the busiest places in the world, Regent St, Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square taking the anti-vivisection message to tens of thousands of people. Then onto Whitehall, past Downing St and to the Houses of Parliament where we will be calling for an end to all animal experiments once and for all.

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West Midlands Coach Transport
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The West Midlands coach will pick up in Redditch, Birmingham & Coventry at the following locations and times:
7.30am Redditch - taxi rank by Shipleys Bingo/Magistrates Court
8.15 Birmingham - Carrs Lane Church Centre, City Centre
9am Coventry - White Street Coach Park (near bus station)
The cost per seat is £14 waged or £8 unwaged. To book seats, please make cheques payable to 'West Midlands Animal Action' and send to the address below:
WMAA, PO Box 10202, Redditch, Worcs. B98 8YT.
With your cheque/Postal Order, please include your name, the number of seats your require, your telephone number & where you intend to board the coach.
The coach will have a toilet on board & will also stop at the services on the motorway. The coach is scheduled to start back from London at 5pm.
Booking seats in advance as explained above is essential.
There's a Facebook event page regarding this transport, see

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For many more details about the march, rally, please see the World Day for Animals in Laboratories website