Free entry, all welcome.

Press Release - 9/12/09
Compassionate Christmas Fair in Kings Heath
On Saturday 12 December, people from across Birmingham & beyond are expected to flock to Kings Heath for a festive fair with a difference. A Cruelty-Free Christmas Fair is being staged at All Saints Church Hall from 10.30am - 3pm, where there'll be everything you need to enjoy a compassionate Christmas! Admission is free.
Over 20 stallholders, including local ethical companies, campaign groups & animal rescues, will sell a wide range of cruelty-free goodies just in time for Christmas! Items for sale will include chocolates, cosmetics, cakes, Xmas cards, soaps, health food, gifts, campaign merchandise, recipe books, clothing & lots more...!
A free vegan food table will offer a wide range of samples, giving everyone the chance to discover how delicious, varied & appetising vegan cuisine has become. Organisers promise to tempt the taste-buds of even the most committed carnivores! For anyone considering changing their diet, there`ll be lots of friendly advice and free recipes, nutrition factsheets & health magazines. Also information about local shops, cafes & restaurants that cater well for veggies & vegans.
A vegan cafe will sell scrumptious hot food & refreshments. The cafe will be operated by V*EDGE, a brand new small vegan catering business based in Kings Heath.
In a separate room, there's a full line up of `How I Went Vegan` talks & cookery demos throughout the day, plus a Kids Fun Activity Workshop/Craft Hour at 12 noon, followed by a Kids Cookery Demo.
The event is the latest in a long line organised by Midlands Vegan Campaigns(MVC), a small group of volunteers who are committed to promoting healthy, plant based diets for the benefit of animals, people & the planet.
MVC's first food fair was staged at the same church hall in Kings Heath back in November 2007 and was a roaring success, with approx 600 people attending, many of whom pledged to change their diet as a result! Read a full report with photos

More recently, in May this year MVC staged Veggie Pride UK, a national outdoor food & lifestyle festival & parade in Victoria Square, Birmingham City Centre, the first event of it's kind in this country. Then in October, the second annual West Midlands Vegan Festival was held in Wolverhampton, attracting over 1,000 visitors.
Kevin White, MVC's founder & event organiser, said "Christmas can be a very sad time for those who care about animals. Not only because of the cruel slaughter of billions of animals to put food on the table, but also because of the millions of animals who suffer & die due to barbaric, outdated cosmetics & product testing and the many millions more animals who spend Christmas in shelters & sanctuaries, having been unwanted & neglected. But it doesn't have to be this way as there are many cruelty-free options available & numerous ways you can support animals in need at Christmas."
"Our Christmas Fair will offer the very best in vegan cuisine which will prove that your festive feast can be delicious without causing animal suffering. There'll be a vast range of products & gifts that are not only cruelty-free but also the funds from the sale of them will go directly to either local ethical companies, organisations that campaign on animal's behalf or shelters that rescue them. Compassionate living has never been easier & there's no better time to start than Christmas!"
"Our fair takes place midway through the Copenhagen Climate Conference. Livestock farming is a major cause of climate change, producing more greenhouse gases than all the world's transport combined. Whilst world leaders strive for a deal that will help save the planet, Birmingham residents can take positive eco-action themselves simply by attending our Xmas Fair. Cutting out the consumption of animal products is the simplest and most effective step an individual can take to reduce their carbon footprint."
"All this and FREE can`t go wrong! Anyone seeking more information about the event should see our website or call us on 01527 458395."
Full details here

List of Stallholders
Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) - They have a vast range of merchandise including clothes, books, chocolates, stationery, vitamin wallcharts & lots more, see
The Chocolate Wendy House - Small Birmingham based company selling gorgeous cream eggs, truffles, orange segments & lots more, see
Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans (BVV) - Local information, newsletters, advice etc from this social & support group, see
Brackencraft - Natural handmade soaps, bath bombs, moisturiser, lip balm & lots more, see
Hillfields Animal Sanctuary - Cake stall in aid of the sanctuary, home to nearly 300 animals, based in Blackwell near Bromsgrove, see
Lucy Rose - Organic skin care & natural cosmetics, see
Birmingham Hunt Sabs - Local group who take direct action in the countryside to save hunted wildlife, see
Green Garden Cafe - Not-for-profit vegan catering business based in Coventry, see
Denise`s Charity Bags - Hand made paper crafts etc with part of the profits donated to Midlands Animal Rescue
Thyme Out - Local health food shop in Kings Heath, see their Facebook page
Animals Asia - Will offer a wide range of gifts in aid of the foundation`s work protecting & rescuing animals across Asia, see
Harts of Chester - Vegan cakes, puddings etc.
Happy Staffie Rescue - Xmas & greetings cards sold in aid of this rescue based in Kidderminster, see
Birmingham Animal Rights Collective - Local grassroots campaigners against all forms of animal cruelty, see
Hopper Haven - Calendars, Xmas cards & decorations in aid of this rabbit & guinea pig rescue based in Redditch, see
Dolly Dearest - Vegan inspired 2010 journal/diary & handmade niceties/paperdoll pretties
Greyhound Action - Campaign merchandise, Xmas cards etc sold in aid of the campaign to end the suffering of racing greyhounds, see
Rainbowspan Palmistry - Hand reading by Barbara Staples, see
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - International non-profit, marine wildlife conservation society, see
Artisan Preserves - Local producer of quality preserves & chutneys using only local ingredients, see
Animal Aid - Will sell a vast range of cruelty-free products in aid of their peaceful campaigns against all animal abuse, see
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