My Friend Maurice Kirk the flying vet on hunger strike

Criminal Charges against Maurice Kirk: Indictment:
“Count 1. POSSESSION OF A PROHIBITED WEAPON, contrary to section Blah, blah, blah, blah. PARTICULARS OF OFFENCE: Had in his possession a firearm ... so designed that two or more missiles could be successively discharged without repeated pressure on the trigger.”
Count 2.
SELLING ... A PROHIBITED WEAPON contrary to section blah, blah, blah. PARTICULARS OF OFFENCE: Sold ... a firearm ... designed etc. etc. etc. without repeated pressure on the trigger.”
Here we come to the best bit: The ancient Lewis gun (attached to a replica WW1 biplane), bought by Kirk & sold on by him did not HAVE a flippin’ trigger – it had been removed! It did have holes drilled in the side, & the spout bunged up. Even so, it could still cause serious injury – if you dropped it on your foot! The brave boys & girls in blue will say it could have a trigger fitted, the holes welded up, & the barrel bored out. No doubt it could. With much less trouble a 6” x 3’ drainpipe propped at an angle can be used to fire a high explosive mortar bomb, & any handyman could soon turn a 4” drainpipe into a rocket propelled grenade launcher.
YCMIU (2).
In London there is a very expensive wastepaper bin which calls itself ‘The Office for Judicial Complaints’ (OJC). It is there you send complaints about judges. I complained to them of criminal collusion between Judge Nicholas Cooke, South Wales Police & Dr. Tegwynn Williams. A reply from case Worker Anna Scranney dated 28th November 2009, ref. 6914/2009 dismissed my complaint, & said “You should refer this matter to the Police Authorities.”
So, if the Gestapo have committed crime, you should report them - to the Gestapo!
YCMIU (3). I understand that the first social worker's report states that Maurice is a grade 3 threat "due, in part, to the threat of his attracting media attention"!!
Can anybody find words to describe any of this? - Because I can’t!
Norman Scarth.
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