Stop planned invasion of Brum by Football hooligans, far right extremists and Islamophobes
Last week we got the Home Secretary to cancel a far-right Islamophobic march of hate in Luton. This week, I need you to help us get a very similar march cancelled here in the Midlands - this time on the streets of Birmingham. A whole host of far-right activists and football hooligans plan on invading the city on Saturday 5th of September - with the sole goal of intimidation and whipping up interfaith tension. We need to stop them.
We understand West Midlands Police are concerned about this march - not least because when the hooligans took to the streets last month there was widespread disorder and 19 arrests. Unfortunately the police are reluctant to apply to the Home Secretary for a ban unless they have the support of the local council.
And as of yet, Birmingham City Council aren't willing to step up and stop this dangerous march. We've set up a tool which lets you voice your deep concern to the Council - and it only takes a minute to send a message:

What makes this event even more explosive is that the hooligans have planned their event to coincide with the England vs Slovenia football match - so the town centre will be filled with football supporters. The hooligans are hoping for maximum chaos - that's why we've got to act.
Sending your message of concern will take you less than a minute - please help us stop this event now:
Getting the Luton march banned proved that we can make the authorities do the right thing. This time we're only running the campaign in the West Midlands - so we need you to take action, and then forward this email to all of your friends and family so that they can help as well. We can do this - but we all need to do everything that we can.
HOPE not hate
PO Box 1576
Telephone 020 7681 8660
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