They are planning a return to the city on August 8th and have the following post on their facebook group

"40 of the english defence league were in london yesterday to confront the islamic rd show, the same islamic rd show that converted an 11 yr old white boy ti islam in birmingham last month. because of our presence choudry and his mob of extremists cancelled there wood green event. good news, we are going to chase them down where ever they raise there head. we are gutted we could not be in brum yesterday to stand shoulder to shoulder with u all. we are hearing another march for brum is being planned for 8th august. we will defo be there and bring all our placards and banners. we will push the march against sharia law as a focus. we have already got a 25 seater coming from luton and many other london firms are on it, qpr and arsenal for defo. so everyone who turned ouy yesterday make the effort again for 8th august, details will follow, if we make enough noise as we have in luton the authorities will be worried about backlashes from our communties when making local decisions,god bless"
Yesterday the opposition to the EDL was sporadic with no organisation. If this is the case on 8th August then the implication is that the city belongs to fascist mobs and the police.
These are worrying times.
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