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'English Defence League' to march in Birmingham tomorrow

local | 03.07.2009 19:11 | Anti-racism | Birmingham

An assortment of racist football hooligans and BNP and National Front activists and supporters plan to march in Birmingham tomorrow (Sat 4 July):

This is a call for Brummies of all ethnic backgrounds to come out and smash these scumbags off the street.

No Pasaran!



Hide the following 31 comments

We are not racist we are just against muslim extremists and pro British.

03.07.2009 19:28

We are not racists we are just against muslim extremists. Anyone from any ethnic background is welcome on this march if they are proud of Britain and oppose Islamic extremism. People will not be allowed to chant racist slogans or carry racist banners on this march. We will only allow people to bring union flags and placards and banners with pro British slogans on them. We have made it clear to local people in Birmingham that this march is not about stirring up racism.

English Defence League

defending what?

03.07.2009 19:59

Few questions
1. Are you against Christian "extremism" too? Like, "God told me to invade Iraq" - Bush, resulting in severe damage to the "Iraqi way of life" - killing about 2 million people through sanctions and bombing
2. Who have you got more in common with - the English queen or a French worker who works for the same multinational as you?
3. Can you tell me what exactly you are defending?

"some of my best friends..."

Non-racist my arse - facebook group member list tells a different story

03.07.2009 20:19

At least one well-known local BNP activist in it, not to mention all the members with bnp/swastika avatars.

You may get away with abusing ethnic minorities in Luton, but Birmingham is not Luton.

See you tomorrow.



03.07.2009 20:37

with related groups such as...

# Petition to get McDonalds to do deliveries!!!!

# We Will Not Pay To Use Facebook.Need As Many Members Possible To Stop This!

we can all tell this is going to be a gathering of some of Britain's greatest minds


when we say hammer

03.07.2009 20:52

you say face

there will be militant antiacists present

EDL lick the bosses arse!

03.07.2009 21:28

The English Defence League must surely win an award for the greatest line ever written by a UK political group. Quote from their website:

'This is not about race or colour it's about having the piss taken out of us'

I wonder when the EDL boys will wake up to the fact that U.K bosses take the piss out of all workers, black and white. It's as simple as that. It's not like if all the 'foriegners' left England then the bosses would just put up our wages and the landlords would put down our rents, is it?

Think about it for just one second - who benefits when working class people fight amongst themselves? The bosses!

EDL - Wake up! Read this lesson of English working class history and learn a crucial lesson:

The Asian women of Grunwick put up the most amazing struggle for unionisation and for better conditions, a struggle that had consequences for all working people.

Wise up or remain suckers for the rest of your life.

Harry Potter

this will attract non fascists against islam, a blockade would be better

03.07.2009 21:46

than any violence that could turn a moderate or young un into hatemonger. Of course if they have a sea of NF& BNP regalia then its a hard call, they have alot in common with the worst kind of taliban anticultural, mono cult, or stalinists


Quote from English Defence League...

04.07.2009 00:12

As posted by English Defence League on their facebook page for this event yesterday:

Not racist? You decide.

"I just want to say this is not a one off. A few keen lads including me have set up the english defence league and we are determined to make this grow as large as possible and make life absolute hell for any muslim militants in our country and any muslims that have no interest in integrating in our society because enough is enough now and its time for action. Im not proud of our diverse multi cultural society i think it is a fucking disgrace im proud of what we used to be. Thats not racism thats common sence. We have black guys with us and have no problem with chinese hindu sikhs just muslims who find it difficult to intergrate with planet earth. Also this is not all muslims but the ones that have intergrated need to take a stand as well. The fightback is under way. . . "

Wish I could make it to brum to help stop these "few keen lads" good luck to all that make it. Crush these little pricks.

World Patriot

Even muslims are standing up to extremist Islam looks whats happening in Iran

04.07.2009 08:22

We are not against all muslims just muslim extremists and muslims who want to impose their way of life on Britain. There are plenty of moderate muslims who are our allies. For example we support the peoples uprising in Iran by moderate muslims who want greater freedom and democracy. Once again this is not about race, black and asian people are welcome on this march if they also oppose Islamic extremism.

English Defence League

*English* Defence League but bring union flags???

04.07.2009 08:29

"We will only allow people to bring union flags and placards and banners with pro British slogans on them"

The Union Flag is the flag of Britain. Surely the *English* Defence League should carry the St George's Cross flag?

Can't have all those pesky Welsh, Scottish and Irish getting involved!



04.07.2009 09:15

You only have to read this blog entry about the recent 'demo' in Whitechapel by the English and Welsh Defence League to see what a collection of nutjobs, violent racists, obsessives and ignorant folks these kind of protests attract. What's incredible is that instead of the blog being the usual rantings and macho posturing of patriots, it's actually quite sad and melancholy. The EDL boys come to London for a patriotic demo where some fantasist has promised 1000's of people but when they show up no-ones there. They go to Weatherspoons and then decide to go Whitechapel. Some of the lads go shopping instead and only a few make it to Whitehchapel where the FIT team and coppers keep the EDL from getting themselves well and truly nutted. As it happens a couple of EDL folk are done over anyway. What a surprise! Then they are herded here and there by the Met before the 'demo' comes to a strange end somewher near Embankment.

The U.K is made up of migrants. This is nothing new, it goes back centuries. Get over it! None of us are true brits - it's a myth!

What's so great about English culture anyway? What's so great about the fabled 'integration'? It's not as if the EDL have integrated very well to the cosmopolitan ethnically diverse London. They've integrated so well that they call in 'Londonistan'. At the end of the day despite a few calls for racists to stay away, patriotism of any kind will always attract xenophobes and racists and people who will use any cause to foster hatred against sections of the British community.

So it will serve them right if they get a pasting. Instead of marching around spouting crap, stay indoors and read a few books. Try and be less of a bunch of ignorant pillocks



04.07.2009 09:50

If you think you can come to Birmingham and stroll around this fine city with impunity you have another thing coming. This is the city where Moseley got kicked off his soap box, where NF marches were taken apart in Digbeth and where the BNP's finest, Mr Fatty Reynolds got his knickers in a twist over a couple of anti-fasscists asking his security a few questions. I suggest you boys turn around and leave now because this isn't going to be pretty. No one here is fooled by your politically correct rhetoric, we know who you are.


'It is clear then that I am not integrated'.

04.07.2009 09:50

"The current President of the French Republic, Nicholas Sarkozy, said at the time when he was both presidential candidate and in charge of the police: 'If foreigners want to remain in France, they have to love France; otherwise they should leave'. And I told myself, I should leave, since I absolutely do not love the France of Nicholas Sarkozy; I do not share his values in the least. As against the prevailing opinion, I do not want anyone to be forced to leave, I am firmly against all expulsions. However, if someone absolutely had to be expelled, I would prefer it to be Sarkozy for example...rather than my African friends in the hostels. It is clear then that I am not integrated'.

Alain Badiou
from The Meaning of Sarkozy (2008)
Section: 'Only One World'

Alain Badiou

To English Defence League

04.07.2009 13:23

If you are not racists then please make the following statement and implement it:

1.We oppose all racism and fascism including the British National Party, The National Front and similar groups.

2.Racists are not welcome at our events. This includes any and all members or supporters of the British National Party, The National Front or similar groups.

3.If members or supporters of any racist group, or anyone otherwise shown to be racist, attend any of our events they will be removed.

4.We will hold placards that make clear our anti-racist and anti-fascist viewpoint. For example,”No to Extremist Islam! No to The BNP!” etc.



04.07.2009 14:01

"4.We will hold placards that make clear our anti-racist and anti-fascist viewpoint. For example,”No to Extremist Islam! No to The BNP!” etc."

Wouldn't it be better to say "No to Extremist Religion"? Singling out muslims is probably not the best way to show your anti-discriminatory colours...... it makes you look like you've joined up with the rest of the Islamophobes.

Archbishop of Cunterbary

@ Archbishop of Cunterbary

04.07.2009 15:03

Yes your right that would be better. However it is possible to hate a specific religion without being racist, although it is still discriminatory I agree.


Fucked up!

04.07.2009 16:13

Well that was fun!

Heads up to those who assembled at the bullring and gave the Daily Mail Hooligan Brigade a bit of abuse back, if they'd broken out of their cordon it would've been a blood bath. If these wankers are planning on doing more marches it's important that people of all races, national backgrounds and whatever religion they choose to believe or not believe in come out and provide an opposition to them. I totally agree that Islamic extremists need to be dealt with but this EDL lot seem to ignore the fact that people who follow islam do deal with them. Our lives are NOT determined by what god we believe in or what colour our skin is, british and migrant workers have so much more in common than we do in conflict, we need to stand firm, together during the recession and fight back against the government and our bosses not amongst each other.

Fuck the BNP
Fuck the Islamists
Fuck Labour


It was fun wasn't it?

04.07.2009 16:41

How I laughed when all 30 of them got chased down High St by the OB.

And by the way, just to put this non-racist' myth to bed, EDL chants today included:


'You dirty muslim ********''

This wasn't just a handful of breakaway loons but the whole EDL crowd.

What a surprise.

I could have sworn I spotted Wigan Mike in the crowd as well.

What would a neo-nazi loon like WM be doing at a non-racist demo?

March FAIL



Brief report

04.07.2009 17:15

There's a brief report here

Does anyone have any pictures of those involved? Or any footage of these chants?


photos and video to follow

04.07.2009 18:03




05.07.2009 16:23

You can see the top of Wigless 'salad dodger' Mike's head in the fourth photo next to the chump in the Stone Island cap.


Not racist

05.07.2009 21:42

There maybe racists in with them, but not all EDL are racist, check this link out

UAF Champion

If you're anti-racist you don't hang around with racists

06.07.2009 09:24

UAF Champion, I don't doubt that there are one or two young lads who were with the EDL the other day who are genuinely pissed off with the actions of Islamic extremists in Birmingham and other areas of the country, anyone in their right mind wouldn't be disturbed by the the likes of Anjem Choudary. However this doesn't push most people to rolling around with known nazi boneheads shouting "dirty muslim bastards" at asian lads and claiming that anyone who doesn't support them has "let their country down". If you're a proper anti-racist or anti-fascist you don't associate with the likes of Wigan Mike, the BFF or racist elements of the Villa Hardcore. I suggest that all those genuine anti-islamic extremists who are also anti-racist look into joining genuine anti-facsist groups.



06.07.2009 13:09


How brave of you to keep so far away from WiganMike.



07.07.2009 07:26

Its not that simple mate, I dont think anyone here agrees in muslim extremists, that wish us harm, there is a majority of peaceful Muslims but you get extremity in all walks of life, left,right, religion, if its unjust, we need to fight it

UAF Champion

@ white lamp shade ;-)

07.07.2009 13:44

Isn't it a bit funny how Wigan Mike stayed so far away from the Anti Fascists?
He wont always be so lucky, see you mugs in August, have your running (away) shoes ready - you will need them!
'Villa Anti Fascists - sometimes anti social - ALWAYS Anti Fascist!



07.07.2009 21:29

Footage of the sad wankers:

Chants of 'you dirty muslim b*st*rds' can clearly be heard at the beginning and end of the clip.


8th August

13.07.2009 19:04

Islamic extremism is a growing threat in the UK, as it is in much of the Western world, as is the growing threat of far-right extremism. Radical Islam should be opposed (as should all religious groups and movements that seek oppression and violence). BUT, as evidence would show, the English Defence League (EDL) are not the way to go about this opposition. Narrow-minded thugery and flag-waving will not stop radical Islam or other extremist religious movements in this country or elsewhere. This can only come about by the people that these groups seek to exploit, whether they be Asian immigrants, or white working class people in areas where fascists hope to organise.

While I don't think that the EDL is an explicitly fascist organisation, they certainly have racist and very reactionary sentiments within their actions. There have been attacks on Asian locals and their property, and also attempted attacks on anti-fascists, as well as racist chanting at the majority of EDL events so far. Numerous football firms make up the ranks of the EDL, with hooligans from Luton, Wolves, Villa amongst others being present at recent marches. These are people that use violence casually most weekends, and would not hesitate to do the same at these marches. The neo-Nazi skinheads of the British Freedom Fighters (Wigan Mike and his teenage followers) have also been present at previous EDL marches and have said they are planning on attending the up-coming march in Brum on the 8th August. If the EDL claim they are not racist, and do not have neo-Nazi tendencies within them, then they have an opportunity to openly state this and can refuse that the BFF take part. However with the involvement of some BNP activists, and talk that the EDL was actually started by BNP activist Chris Renton, I think this is unlikely.

For these reasons, anti-fascists will be present in Birmingham on the 8th, showing our opposition to both radical Islam, AND the far-right thugs of the English Defence League. They cannot march through Birmingham hoping to stir-up racial tensions further, and local people will not stand by and let violent attacks happen unopposed. Details will be published nearer the time.

PS. The UAF may as well steer clear of this one, we know what you lot are like when you come face to face with real working class people. Leave this one to people who can deal with themselves and don't have to resort of waving purple banners and shouting at people through megaphones.

Nazi Hunter

nazi hunter

24.07.2009 12:25

dear o dear......


What have you done...

05.08.2009 19:49

What have the radical left done to protest at Muslim religious extremists? You must see that they despise all who embrace human freedom and expression.

mail e-mail:

Antifa lick the bosses arses......

06.08.2009 15:12

...not the EDL.

Despite all the Antifa "macho" postering you can't get away from the fact that they are an arm of the state apparatus.

Monopoly capitalism in its most rabid and uncontrolled form depends on third world immigrants to act as a pool of reserve labour and hence keep down the wages of indigenous and settled immigrant communities. In destoying the traditional cultural fabric of their host countries, these immigrants also serve to destroy any barriers to leaving consumerism as the only valid "cultural" expression left standing.

Thus "the bosses" win on all levels.

Obviously if populist political groups or spontaneous movements such as the EDL spring up this could cause major problems to this strategy.

Hence, the need for groups such as Antifa. Plausibly deniable "shock troops" for the establishment.

When you want a proper job boys, you can always throw those silly black balaclavas away and join the real Police force - at least you'll get paid that way!

John Smith
