An innocent man, not even a protester, was brutally murdered by a vicious thug in uniform. Another state bully beat up a female protester. Hundreds more people who dared to peacefully protest met the same violence. Many were injured. It`s a wonder more were not killed. And this was just ONE day!
No matter what her army of paid thugs get up to, the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith defends them! Ultimately, she`s to blame for Ian Tomlinson`s death.
BBC reports that Ian Tomlinson's second post-mortem has concluded that he died of internal haemmorrhaging, NOT, as the initial reports claimed, a heart attack or pre-existing coronary conditions. The Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has blood on her hands. It`s time to take your anger to her constituency. Join the Redditch Rage against police brutality, 12 noon, Redditch Town Hall, Saturday 18 April.
Demand justice for Ian Tomlinson.
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