And Greek police doesn't use simple teargas (cs) but dangerous and forbidden chemicals that are life threatening,and are used as chemical weapons in wars.Most of them imported from Israel.Also the european union is afraid that this"virus of revolution"that started here in Greece,can "infect"other european countries.Already in France few days ago a group attacked with a shotgun against a police station.Massive demonstrations in Spain,Germany,France,ect.I don't believe that the British officers of the Scotland Yard came to Greece,just to fight terrorism.The Greek goverment+british officers are trying to find a way to stop the massive social movement in Greece before other European countries get infected by the "Greek revolutionary virus".The media (TV & Newspapers) showed only a small part of the movement and said that only a few anarchists(200-300 persons) caused all the riots.But someone must be stupid if he believes that only 300 persons caused all this riots,and burned police stations,banks,ect. in all Greek major cities,every day for a whole month.Thousands of angry Greeks,smilling and with eyes shinning full of the flame of justice,freedom and liberty protested against this unfair system. And the movement is gettig stronger every day.This is not only a movement against the goverment,it is a movement against this economical & social system called Capitalism!It is a real movement against global capitalism.The protesters of December wrote on the walls"Merry crisis and a happy new fear",and burned the christmas tree in front of the parliament.Nobody could control the thousants of protesters,neither the syndicates neither the Greek communist partie.Imagine the same riots and demonstrations happening in every european country at the same time with the same strength!!the system will collapse,for sure!
All we need is solidarity,and the revolution will not be an utopie anymore.This revolution is happening now,and THIS IS THE REALITY!!
Democracy was born here and "real"democracy will be born again here.And real democracy means ANARCHY!!
Hide the following 3 comments
23.03.2009 02:29
Over the next century we are very likely to loose 6 to 7 billion people due to food and water shortages and a global infrastructure ill equipped to deal of other types of disasters i.e. climate change, pandemics etc. As this occurs and picks up pace so to will the social unrest and authoritarian measures to put it down.
This has been on the cards for a while now and whilst I don't subscribe to the idea of 'prime movers' behind such a scenario (i.e. I don't believe the conspiracy theorists), I do view in-action by those able to act (i.e. the industrialised nations and their governments) as a tacit approval for such de-population to occur.
23.03.2009 13:04
1000s of protestors as a percentage of the Athens population (4m+) is really a very small number of people. Even 100,000 is only 2.5% of the population. Then, you must remember, Athens is not the center of the universe. Compare the number of protestors to the population of Greece, they are actually a small minority.
Similarly in the UK. Gathering can get a few thousand protestors turning up. But compare that to the general public who number over 60 million people, it can be seen they are a very small minority group.
I'm all for freedom to protest and faciliting this right, but the rights not to impinge on the majority (the general public) should also be taken into account. Otherwise, what is the point of democracy if the majority are ignored.
re: numbers
23.03.2009 15:56
Not everyone who supports protests will get out on the streets, often for fear of their own safety or repercussions from the police/state/policestate, sometimes just because of pressing personal commitments. Not everyone can afford child care, or 3 weeks off work if they still want to be able to eat/pay rent etc.
I'll try and find the source for the statistic above to post later...