You can read and watch footage of the protest and the interview here:

Salma: We've tried to make sure that we can get into this meeting. It's a fantastic turnout and we want to make sure this meeting proceeds.
IMCista: What about the protest?
Salma: We've had a protest outside and that was the point of that. We've had (sic) a public meeting inside to discuss the issues.
IMCista: You've just extinguished it.
Salma: No. That is..
[Salma Yaqoob then hits the video camera]
IMCista: Don't hit my camera! that's criminal damage.
Salma: This has been a publicly publicised meeting and that was the point of it. So don't give me rubbish about spoiling something. We're hear to discuss a serious issue and that's what's going to go on.
IMCista: You've just extinguished a protest.
Salma: No! We had a meeting this is what the people have come for. This is what people have come for.
IMCista: People have come to protest against what's happening in Gaza. Not to further your career.
Young woman: People have come to save people dying.
Salma: Exactly!
IMCista: And you think a Council meeting's going to do that?
Salma: Yeah that's why they've come here. So if you've got another agenda get out!
IMCista: You're a great leader.
Salma: That's for other people to decide not for you. And I don't see myself as a leader but as a concerned citizen.
IMCista: You're an opportunist.
Salma: It's just disgusting!
IMCista: You're an opportunist. You just want to further your career off the backs of people..
Salma [interrupts shouting]: Can you stop blocking people! You are blocking people! People are trying to get in!
[demonstrators are still freely passing through the building]
IMCista: That's what the police say to people. You're one and the same.
Salma: Have you got another agenda here to stop people showing their concern for Gaza? Have you got another agenda?
IMCista: You have! You have just extinguished a protest.
Man standing next to Salma: It's alright he's probably from Indymedia or something like that.
Salma: No no. He's actually disrupting, blocking people.
[Demonstrators are still freely passing through the wide entrance hall of the Council House]
IMCista: C'mon Salma control the unruly mob!
(Salma walks away from the interview towards Ger Francis further up the stairs)
IMCista: Vote for Salma! Vote for Salma!