Tuesday 13th January 2009
Assemble 12:00
Richmond Terrace
(Opposite 10 Downing Street)
London SW1A
Delegation enters 10 Downing St at 12:45
"I can confirm also that we are actively looking at what we can do to support in this country Zimbabweans who are failed asylum seekers, who cannot work and who are prevented from leaving the UK through no fault of their own. They are provided with accommodation and vouchers to ensure that they are not destitute, but we are looking at what we can do to support Zimbabweans in that situation, and we will report back to the House in due course." Prime Minister Gordon Brown Thursday 10th July 2008
There has been no report back to Parliament as yet!
Several hundred Zimbabweans who have sought sanctuary in the UK and supporters will assemble in Richmond Terrace opposite 10 Downing Street in a traditional colourful and noisy Zimbabwean demonstration at 12:00pm. They will be led in Zimbabwean songs and dancing to make a noise to remind the Prime Minister that it is six months since he promised to look "...at what we can do to support Zimbabweans in that situation, and we will report back to the House in due course."
There will be a photocall at 12:30pm, with a delegation of six Zimbabweans accompanied by a cross-party group of Parliamentarians who support the CITIZENS for Sanctuary campaign call. They will be joined by leaders from a range of civil society institutions which will demonstrate the British people's support for Zimbabweans by pledging strategic internships in universities, schools, hospitals, churches and charities to provide the skills that will help rebuild Zimbabwe.
At 12:45 a delegation of six Zimbabweans will enter Downing Street and deliver a dossier of CVs collected from Zimbabweans in the UK who have skills that are going to waste and are willing to work. They will also hand over a cover letter to Gordon Brown asking him to remember his promise to review their situation, and request that they be allowed to work. The six delegates will represent different professions and trades in the Zimbabwean community in the UK that match existing skills gaps and job vacancies in the UK economy, for example teachers, nurses, and construction workers. Each delegate will be dressed in the uniform of their trade or profession to demonstrate that the Zimbabwean community in the UK is ready and willing to work.
There will be case studies of destitute Zimbabweans in the UK, copies of the CVs, and statements from civil society organisations offering strategic internships in advance and on the day. Zimbabweans and civil society leaders will be available for interview in advance and on the day.
For further details and to arrange interviews contact Jonathan Cox, Lead Organiser, CITIZENS for Sanctuary campaign: 07919 484066.
Notes for editors:
Event: Zimbabwean Demonstration and Delegation to 10 Downing Street
Date: 13th January 2009 (Demonstration from 12:00; Photocall at 12:30; Delegation enters 10 Downing St at 12:45)
Location: Richmond Terrace and 10 Downing Street, London.
* The CITIZENS for Sanctuary campaign aims to implement the findings of the Independent Asylum Commission, secure justice for people fleeing persecution, and restore public support for sanctuary. Find out more here: www.citizensforsanctuary.org.uk.
* The Independent Asylum Commission conducted a nationwide review of the UK asylum system between 2006 and 2008 and published over 180 recommendations in three reports. For more information see www.independentasylumcommission.org.uk.
* The Commission recommended in its Safe Return report that: "refused asylum seekers who cannot be returned to their country of origin after six months, through no fault of their own, should be eligible for a time-limited, revocable, permit to work in the UK."
* So far, strategic internships for Zimbabweans have been offered in two leading universities, a hospital, three charities, an Anglican diocese, an MP's office and numerous community organisations. CITIZENS for Sanctuary is calling for more organisations to pledge internships by contacting

Jonathan Cox
CITIZENS for Sanctuary
079 1948 4066

Securing justice for people fleeing persecution.
Rebuilding public support for sanctuary.