“ Rackmanism, Profiteering, Children and Sub Standard Housing “unquote.
In this letter he raised serious concerns regarding the welfare of the Children who are being placed with Principal Housing Care, who have now changed their name to Unity Care Services and relocated their offices to 9 Portland Road Edgbaston in a move designed to distance itself from these concerns.
Mr Tucker states that Principal Housing Care / Unity Care Services, was and again I quote “ registered in Beeches Road West Bromwich and operating and acting as a Clearing House for the young people to be moved on to other accommodation”.
Well the author of this article would like to ask Mr Tucker; Director Children’s Services for Sandwell Social Services why he is allowing this Hostel is continue to be operated by Principal Housing Care / Unity Care Services, in his local area.
There are allegations of physical abuse being posted on other articles on this web site regarding Unity Care Services Staff and it is over 18 months now since he posted his letter raising serious concerns about this clearing house as he puts it, and the sub standard accommodation that this company provides for children, WHY ARE THEY STILL BEING ALLOWED TO OPERATE.
Including Mr Tuckers article there have been 3 separate articles raising serious concerns regarding this company’s conduct but the local authorities continue to use them and place vulnerable young Asylum Seeking Children in their care. My information at the time of writing this document is that there are 18 young people in the Hostel in Beeches Road who are supposedly being cared for in the correct manner, by inexperienced and unqualified staff.
Mr Tucker where is your commitment to these young people, why when you raised such a stink in February 2007 are you still allowing this Hostel to operate in your area of social services responsibility, and why are other local authorities still continuing to refer young people into this company’s care.
It is one thing to raise a letter and post it on the internet, but a whole other ball game to have the Courage of your Convictions to stop this happening in your area where it is your responsibility.
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This is a glorified blog - no one pays any attention!
03.01.2009 11:10
Is your life really that boring that you have to continue in this vindictive manner? Take up a hobby!
We know who you are!
You dont have a clue
22.04.2009 14:09
you dont have a clue
15.06.2009 11:24
You know you!
You know who!
e-mail: principalhousingcare@hotmail.co.uk
UCS is being sold
12.11.2009 15:58
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