Outside the Greek Consulate in Birmingham
Consul: Mr.Christopher PHILIPPIDES 7 Elmhurst 5 A Norfolk Road Birmingham
Riots spread across Athens, and soon throughout the country. Dozens of police stations have been attacked in retribution, and hundreds of banks, chain stores, and government buildings which symbolise debt, wage exploitation, and ever-increasing wealth disparity have been destroyed. The riots have been fuelled by the widespread anger that the government has bailed out the banking industry, the very institutions which have caused this global recession; a policy which amounts to welfare for the super-rich and which future generations will pay for.
Meanwhile, the murderer has thrown fuel on the fire by refusing to show regret for his actions, and has been outed as having familial links to the fascist ‘Golden Dawn’ group, which the police have been using as a proxy for violence against protestors. Mainstream media outlets have swallowed the Greek state’s outright lies that it was ‘local business owners’ who fought back against protestors, despite a video circulating the internet which evidences a police chief requesting the “release of the Golden Dawn people” shortly before the clashes. Furthermore, media outlets worldwide have misrepresented the diversity of the movement, dismissing the widespread political discontent of tens of thousands as ‘violent anarchists’. The Greek state’s propaganda machine is in full spin; a rushed inquest has concluded that Alex was killed by a ‘richochet from a warning shot’, contrary to the claims of numerous witnesses.
Exactly one week on from the murder, anarchists arrived at the Greek consulate in Birmingham to show solidarity for all who are struggling for a better future in Greece, all those who refuse to wait any longer for social justice, and all those who are suffering and mourning the loss of 15 year-old Alex Grigoropoulos. A banner was unfurled stating “ We will not forget, we will not forgive – this is for Alex – @ Solidarity”. Meanwhile a group demanded to speak to the consulate, who refused to answer the door to talk, instead opting to watch the protest and read the banner from his upstairs window whilst making a phone call, presumably to the police. You can reach the Greek Consulate in Birmingham here:
Consul: Mr.Christopher PHILIPPIDES
7 Elmhurst
5 A Norfolk Road
Birmingham B15 3PR
++44 (0) 121 454 3369
++44 (0) 121 454 3369

This protest is for all those in Greece who are fighting for their future. We are the same. We will not forget. We will not forgive. We are everywhere!
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