UN Secretary defends the state control of the financial system
By Emilio de Lima (ED.)
Adjusting to avoid the concentration of the financial system, maintaining that system under the domain of public power and invest in infrastructure and in social policies are functions that the state should recover from the current global crisis. That is what said the teacher called Alex Izurieta, senior secretary of Economic Relations of the United Nations (UN), which opened the afternoon schedule this Monday (8) of the seminar "Crisis - Directions and Truths", promoted by Government of Parana, at Curitiba . Watch the WS now at

Detachment between productivity and wages made model unsustainable
The decoupling between the income of workers and productivity of the economy is the fundamental problem of the neoliberal economic model, hegemonic in the world since the early 1980s, said this Monday (8) the North American economist Thomas Palley. He participated in the panel "Crisis and World Financial System 'of the international seminar" Crisis - Directions and Truths ", promoted by the government of Parana in Curitiba. Palley showed that the wages - wages, retirement and pensions of workers - have not grown at the same pace of economic productivity. After 1980, the salaries have stopped growing, but the productivity grew almost three times.
UN Secretary defends the state control of the financial system
Adjusting to avoid the concentration of the financial system, maintaining that system under the domain of public power and invest in infrastructure and in social policies are functions that the state should recover from the current global crisis. That is what said the teacher called Alex Izurieta, senior secretary of Economic Relations of the United Nations (UN), which opened the afternoon schedule this Monday (8) of the seminar "Crisis - Directions and Truths", promoted by Government of Parana, at Curitiba .
"New Bretton Woods should be multipolar," says Italian economist
The Italian economist and journalist Paolo Raimondi, creator and advocate of a treaty to reorganize the business and financial relations between the countries - or, as he calls a "New Bretton Woods", in reference to similar treaty signed in 1944, at the end of World War II - said this new Agreement should be built and consolidated in a "multipolar scheme", ie without the predominance of a single state, in the case, the United States of America. The economist spoke on the afternoon of Monday (8) at the seminar "Crisis - Directions and Truths", promoted by the government of Parana in Curitiba.
To Raimondi, much more serious than the losses of banks and financial gamblers is the "social explosion" (unemployment, poverty) that the current crisis is generating. He believes the occasion, is then, essential for the formation of a new "Bretton Woods".
Globalization connects the markets and strength cooperation to countries out of crisis
The President of the Zero Unemployment and adviser of the president of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), Jose Carlos de Assis, said here Monday (8) that the crisis is not limited to economic issues, but points to changes in paradigms in various sectors. According to the economist, the current crisis is not a mere repetition of previous crises, such as 1929, and is different, mainly by the current context of globalization, which in the interconnect market, under the cooperation between the countries.
Parana is open to free trade in Latin America, says governor
In press conference after the close of the second day of the seminar "Crisis - Directions and Facts" in Curitiba, the governor Roberto Requiao said the Parana is open for the establishment of bilateral free trade in Latin American bloc. The event is sponsored by the government of Parana until Thursday (11) in the Music Channel, with the presence of Brazilian and foreign economists.