The public reception to the event was great; lots of people stopped, listened, signed our petition and discussed with ARC members the issues raised by speakers and by Ngoma’s message. We challenged the racist myths many people hold, myths pumped up by the media and government and did so in ways that encouraged participation and debate by all present. This was greatly helped by the weather; it was a brilliant warm almost summers day and at times hundreds of people were sitting in Victoria Squatre soaking up the vibes, enjoying the music and dicussing the issues raised by the speakers and ARC supporters. The event was a great antidote to the corporate musical mish mash blasted out by Virgin records and co a little bit further down Babylon Row. We will be back!
We were aware that at last year’s rally, members of Birmingham No Borders disagreed with our decision to have a banner stating “Amnesty Now”. But we were not aware, until reading an addition posted on our article promoting this year’s event, that NoBorders had decided not to work with us again because of this.

At last years event we had many other banners “No one is Illegal”, “Asylum is not a Crime” and “Freedom of Movement for All” and throughout the rally the message was firmly that of freedom of movement for all. ARC does not campaign around amnesty. It was felt that the “Amnesty Now” banner alongside a “No One is Illegal” banner was a way to challenge the idea of selected amnesty and to get the no one is illegal message across to members of the public. We agree with the Birmingham NoBorders statement on amnesty.

We also agree with the politics of the wider NoBorders network.
We are confused by Birmingham NoBorders decision to no longer work with us or at least engage in our events of solidarity with migrants as our politics are not in conflict. We feel that likeminded groups should do all we can to seek out alliances with each other. If Birmingham NoBorders really does feel our politics are so much in conflict that they can not collaborate with us, we would welcome further discussion.
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