Our demo began with passersby immediately shocked by the images,on the banner,and askin' why Barclays is involved with this.Whether by askin' us directly or simply by their facial expressions on their face. Many people,even without us entertaining the idea,went inside to complain of their disgust.And with multiple more,stating they will remove their Barclays bank account as soon as they can.
Members of the public signed our petition against Barclays involvement,with HLS,and took leaflets.With the reassurance that they will join the SHAC campaign.Many wanted to offer donations and appreciated us being there.The public,bit by bit,is turning on Barclays and it's only a matter of time before they drop HLS.
Hide the following 7 comments
Well done to all concerned
26.09.2008 23:23
George Coiombs
e-mail: georgecmbs@tiscali.co.uk
27.09.2008 06:54
Pete you wally......
27.09.2008 09:16
G x
Now who's the wally?
27.09.2008 15:06
The only way people can be educated to the sort of manipulation the likes of SHAC organisers get upto is to talk freely in the open. If SHAC and the likes is the be all and end all of campaigns then it should stand upto critisism should it not?
I can tell you that SHAC stabbed more people in the back than I have fingers and toes to count, dropping people like hot bricks when they were no use after bleeding them dry. SHAC hang activists out to dry and many have convictions to prove it.
If you want to get into a public debate about this I'm happy to contribute but don't accuse me of being part of something I'm not just because you don't like what I say, very childish.
Dear Pete,
27.09.2008 18:43
You were not educating people about SHAC, you made a flippant remark like may I add you did about Luke!
I wasn't saying you were the idiot behind SHAC WATCH, but how can you moan about a campaign that is world wide, full of different people doing widely different things. If you have got into trouble or you know someone who has got into trouble it's either of their own doing or the daft laws that have come into play, don't go round blaming other AR people, ignore the propaganda there are no puppet masters.
p.s you didn't spot my spelling mistake then!!
G x
G x
27.09.2008 20:22
I would urge any person to keep well away from SHAC because you will get into some right shit. Stick to animal aid.
If not for SHAC we wouldn't have all these laws restricting protest!
No matter about the spelling, mines crap.
28.09.2008 20:31
well done guys :D