Are you tired of hearing the same old stream of lies from mainstream
politicians? Are you worried about the kind of world our children will inherit?
And are you tired of working yourself towards and early grave just to keep
your head above water in the capitalist rat race?
Then join us on 4th October 2008 for the first Wrekin Alternative Book Fair
from 10am-5pm at the Belmont Hall in Wellington for a different perspective.
The book fair has been organised by local individuals who believe that human
beings have so much more potential than fighting one another, selling their
labour and competing for social status, all whilst an elite few rake in the
profits. We can’t tell people how to live their lives, nor would we want to, but
with stress and social conflict on the increase, we think there must be a better
way. We think we’ve got some good ideas and we’re happy to share.
We hope to bring you a diverse range of literature expressing a variety of
radical ideas. That is if there is anything particularly radical about wanting an
end to war, inequality and prejudice. Idealistic, maybe. Difficult, certainly.
But radical? The earth is the common heritage of us all, why should those who
seek to achieve this be accused of suggesting something outrageous?
There will also be a variety of discussion groups during the day, some kicked
off by talks from guest speakers and hopefully, others developing freely
amongst those attending. With such a wide spectrum of thought on offer,
from anarchism’s relationship to ecology through Transition Towns to the
Zapatistas and indigenous movements in Mexico, this is quite literally an A-Z
of all things subversive.
There will be a talk by emeritus professor of anthropology at the university of London Brian Morris on his new book Rudolph Rocker- The Gentile Anarchist.
A "Leave It In The Ground" discussion and talk on plans for open cast coal mining in Telford. John Franklyn from the Telford & Wrekin Council Watch campaign group will add his insight of his dealings with local government.
This is our first attempt at a book fair and we’re sure they’ll be room for
improvement next time. Please come along and tell us what you like about
the event and what we could do better. If you don’t agree with what’s on
offer, engage in the debates but please don’t try to intimidate others to get
your point across.
As well as books, we will try to provide as much free literature as possible but
in the case of self-published works, either our own or those of others,
donations are always welcome. Light refreshments will also be available on a
donation basis. If you would like more information either about the book fair
or about taking a stall, please contact us via