The next review of the remand in custody is scheduled for 8 September.
If those in power in Austria are allowed to get away with this, it isn't just animal rights campaigners who are in danger but all groups around the world fighting for social justice, human rights and the environment, and all who value justice and compassion over corruption and profit.
Meet from 11am outside the Austrian Consulate, 5 Barlows Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2PN. This is just a short walk from University train station. See map

Further information:

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Message to the International Animal Rights Movement
27.08.2008 08:27
Message to the International Animal Rights Movement
If I can be locked up for it, anybody can. To do animal rights campaigns in any form means being with one foot in prison already.
I can only reiterate: Folks, we are at a historic moment in time. Animal rights has become an issue that seriously challenges the system. The powerful have decided to smash it with brute force. We have to stand together firm now and fight this decisive battle. We cannot let them get away with that. We must win this one. No futher repression. No silencing of legitimate activism anymore. If we do not manage to Stopp this operation and hold these responsible acconntable, we won’t be able to be active for animal rights any longer. No further retreat. Its about all or nothing.
I count on you lot!
Martin Balluch, political prisoner, JA-Josefstadt Vienna
To help Austrian ten:
Sign the petition:
http://www. vgt. at/actionalert/repression/petition/index_en. php
Mail authorities:
http://www. vgt. at/actionalert/repression/emailappell/index_en. php
Join BOYCOTT AUSTRIA! No visits, no products!
http://www. thepetitionsite. com/2/we-will-not-visit-austria-or-buy-anything-from-austria
4.join the International Day of Solidarity 5th of September and organize Demos in your City! Let's spread the word for the freedom of the 10 activists in Austria and demand an end to repression of social activism.
" All infos will be here:
http://www. vgt. at/hinweise/Solidemos/02July_en. php
http://www. austriasolidarity. com
All infos about the case, resources (leaflets, banners, photos) and past demos:
http://www. vgt. at
http://www. austriasolidarity. com
Organise a demo outside your Austrian Embassy: Get in touch with
Check out the resources section for leaflets, banners etc See here for previous demos and tips and ideas:
http://www. austriasolidarity. com
Sign this petition:
http://www. gopetition. com/petitions/freedom-for-the-austrian-animal-rights-advocates. html
Spread the info
Thank you
Demo cancelled, the 9 are FREE!!!!
04.09.2008 12:06
Midlands Vegan Campaigns