We arrived at a Barclay's Bank with the full intent of informing every passer-by and Barclay's customer that breezed by.From beagles being punched in the face to baboons tormented in xenotransplantation experiments:every passer-by heard this.Some stood still in shock of what they were hearing and bemusement of why a bank would be involved in this.People supported us with promises they would never bank at Barclays,they would cancel their accounts and they would join the SHAC campaign.The HLS footage was shown to a member of the public who was shocked that this could and still does,happen.One lady,even b4 we handed her a leaflet,exclaimed:"Oh,i'm not suprised.I know what their like!." It seems Barclay's rep precedes them sometimes.
The Manager came out asking us not disturb the banks business and that she personally could do nothing about the shares, but understood.She spoke with a bobby on the beat and then disappeared inside.A police van and several officers passed by but suprisingly didn't bother with us.We continued the demo with the public,on full view,educating them of what HLS is and the 8 million pounds worth of shares Barclay's has in them.
Smash HLS!
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