Display a festival banner/button on your website, see below
The festival will offer all you need for healthy, cruelty-free, eco-friendly living. You don`t have to be vegan to attend, everyone is welcome! Come and see why people are increasingly adopting a vegan lifestyle.
The festival is being held at the Wolverhampton Civic Hall in the city centre, 10 minutes walk from the train/bus stations. For a map showing the venue, train/bus stations and car parks, click here

The festival will be open from 11am - 5pm. Admission is just £1, payable at the door. (under 16`s free)
There are many reasons for going vegan - just as there are for going vegetarian. Being vegetarian helps immeasurably in reducing:
--> animal suffering
--> risks to our own health
--> hunger in the developing world
--> environmental damage
Veganism takes all those advantages alot further. For very many people concerned about any or all of these problems, it seems the natural step to take from vegetarianism. Read more about the benefits of veganism on our website

World Vegan Day is a day of celebration for vegans everywhere. On Sat 1st Nov 2008, celebrate in style at the West Midlands Vegan Festival.
World Vegan Day is an opportunity for vegans and their friends across the world to celebrate and promote veganism. The world's first Vegan Society (here in the UK of course!) was born on November 1st 1944 - started by Donald Watson and friends. So each year on November 1st (since 1994), vegans everywhere celebrate World Vegan Day. The Vegan Society have of course now found a new home, right here in the West Midlands. How many more reasons do vegans need to flock to the West Midlands Vegan Festival and celebrate in style!!
--> Display a web banner/link on your website etc.
If you have a website, blog, Myspace etc where you could display a banner link to this site, please see our banners which come in assorted shapes and sizes.

--> Download & distribute our leaflets
Good publicity is essential if we are to attract large numbers to the festival. We need to flood the West Midlands(and beyond) with leaflets, anywhere that there are people who may be interested - so basically anywhere at all! Your school, college, workplace, library, church, community group, health food shop etc etc. Please download our black and white leaflet and then copy and distribute as many as you can! Thankyou.

--> Become our friend on Myspace/Facebook!
We have set up Myspace and Facebook pages for the event. Why not become our friend so you can stay tuned to event updates and forward them to all your friends! Post a comment to pledge your support. In Myspace, add us to your `top friends`! Help spread the word, become our friend right now!

--> Volunteer your time on the big day
We will need lots of help on the day, in many varied ways. Everything from leafletting in the street and handing out our programmes, to clearing tables and washing up! Contact us if you would like to help in any way at all.
--> Sponsor the festival or donate!
Whether you`re a business, organisation or just an individual, you can help us to ensure the event is a big success by becoming a sponsor or by donating whatever you can afford. MVC event co-ordinators are volunteers - all donations received will be ploughed into publicity etc. Please make cheques payable to `Midlands Vegan Campaigns` and post to MVC, PO Box 10202, Redditch, Worcs. B98 8YT. Thankyou!
We are extremely grateful to the following organisations & companies for sponsoring the festival. Without their support, this event would not be taking place.
--> The Vegan Society

--> Yaoh

--> Animal Aid

--> Yagga

Midlands Vegan Campaigns have held 2 extremely successful food fairs. The first in Kings Heath, Birmingham in November 2007 attracted approx 700 people! See a report and gallery

The second in Lichfield in April 2008 attracted approx 600 people, over 50% of them were meat eaters! See a report and gallery

For full details of festival stalls, talks, sponsors and event updates, please see our website