I put the request on my weblog
http://animals-in-the-news.blogspot.com, so hopefully some people in the Netherlands will also write a letter to the restaurant.
This week by the way a Dutch member of Parliament, Ger Koopmans of the christian democrates, told the media that he wants to reintroduce foie gras on the menue of the Parliament. He visisted a farm where foie gras is being made and according to this member of Parliament foie gras is being made in a proper way!!! An article on this topic can be read also on the weblog
http://animals-in-the-news.blogspot.com. This is just a part from that article:
'Koopmans recently visited three farms in France. "I know now that foie gras is produced in a responsible manner. It is not really more brutal than our livestock and certainly not more than all the people who are at home and let their dog become too fat ', says Koopmans."
How can you get in contact with Koopmans:
Dhr. G.P.J. (Ger) Koopmans
Lid CDA-Tweede-Kamerfractie
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag
tel. 070-3182578 / 06-18305874
fax. 070-3182602
g.koopmans@tweedekamer.nl www.gerkoopmans.nl
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