The Home Office is considering plans to develop a centralized surveillance system to track in real time every kind of electronic activity undertaken by all citizens. The project is being driven by the intelligence services and has not yet been discussed by ministers. The surveillance would include a database recording a profile of web activity, emails, and phone taps for every citizen in the UK.
The plans reveal that the intelligence services would like to build a profile of every citizen’s network of contacts and relationships. The database would also store web pages visited, subject matter, and the length of time the citizen viewed the web page. This would be made possible by installing black boxes known as “network probes” across the current communications infrastructure, which would decrypt then interrogate all data traffic before passing it on for storage against the relevant citizen’s profile. Such a technology is not yet in existence; the monetary cost to society to pay for our privacy to be infringed is expected by to be “eye-popping” as quoted by a leading industry specialist.
Currently ISPs record a limited amount of information of users internet activity. This is for a specific period of time (six years), and the data can be handed over if the ISP are served a notice under the Investigatory Powers Act. The new database would not require such a notice to be obtained, so would require destroying the already weak legislation to protect citizen’s privacy. This change of legislation is expected in the proposal of the boringly titled Communication Data Bill, expected to be hidden somewhere in the queen’s speech this November.
The Home Office has said the proposals are an “essential step in the fight against terrorism”. They fail to mention that it would also be an essential step in profiling and intimidating people fighting for social change, and a powerful tool in their ongoing project to stifle political dissent.
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Policeware aware - NarusInsight
30.05.2008 19:34
So a single NarusInsight machine can monitor traffic equal to the maximum capacity of around 39,000 DSL lines or 195,000 modems. In practical terms 10 Gbit/s equals the combined traffic of millions of broadband users, so the number of subscribers monitored by one installation is several millions. It can also perform semantic analysis of the same traffic as it is happening, in other words analyze the content, meaning, structure and significance of this entire traffic, as it is happening.
The exact use of this data is not fully documented...In short, by seeing the 'semantics' of network traffic, service providers can see 'inside' the data, providing much more detailed insight about the use of the Internet and the perceived value of specific applications than existing technologies allow."...It looks at the data in a more comprehensive way than looking for keywords. Each NarusInsight machine does this at 2500 million bits per second, in real-time."
There gap between the knowledge-rich and the knowledge poor is growing exponentially, partly due to Moores law. Moores law predicts a doubling in microprocessor performance every 18 months, which is why you may want to get rid of that 286 but you won't be able to sell it for the £1600 you paid for it. Actually, I doubt a 286 has any value except as a memento.
Geeks expect a 'singularity' where technology changes the human race so completely that we now won't be able to comprehend what comes after. You know, robots taking over the world and all that sci-fi stuff. I believe before that we will reach a more significant social singularity, a point where the state and elite have such advanced technolgy that any rebellion or social progession becomes impossible. Hardly a unique thought if you've read 1984. I also fear that point is imminent and it may effectively split the haves and the have-nots into distinct species. Call me paranoid but top judiciary and smarter geeks seem to agree with me that the UK already has all the mechanisms and laws required of a police-state. British officers work with the NSA at GCHQ. Regardless of what British law allows, the US can legally spy on any UK national.
Addition: source article
02.06.2008 08:34
Re: Policeware
02.06.2008 09:00
I have provided a link to the original article so you can read the source of this information.
Currently the intelligence services do monitor communications in real time, but this is only to monitor for certain keywords in a particular context. Additionally, ISPs have to keep meta-data on web activity (webpage history) for six years. The police of intelligence services can obtain an order to request this information on an individual if they are carrying out an investigation, then they may monitor a particular individual's web activity, or visitors to a particular website.
So yes, what you have described regarding the Narus system is true, in the UK, we have a similar system called Echelon.
However, I am not encouraging complacency, what is being proposed is a huge leap forward. Currently what is monitored in realtime is not stored in a database, nor are individuals profiled unless they have some 'reason' to, i.e. they will only take these actions if they see an individual as a threat to their interests, perhaps if the scanning of their communications has revealed something they don't like. Once they profile everyone, they will effectively be able to run database searches to profile the population into groups such as people who are politically active, how sympathetic they are to direct action, etc. I am sure you can imagine how useful this technology would have been to the Chilean regime in the 1970s, where they orchestrated the mass murder of all left wing radicals, and later sympathisers. There is no guarantee that something like that could not happen again.
as if by magic
04.06.2008 12:18
I agree with everything you say, the mirror idea is interesting, except your reason for being positive -
"Remember: the broad base of people supporting rights for people over the rights of corporations will win, simply because their is more ordinary people who want the former than elites who want the latter."
Anon. asked what would Pinochets regime have been like with with this level of technology - bearing in mind more Chileans wanted a democratic government than the elite who wanted dictatorship. Never mind Pinochet, read what the PNAC wanted from 'Rebuilding Americas Defences'. Still, Pascals Wager - if you give up in despair then they have won, if you keep hoping you keep fighting.
Hi Anon,
I think Echelon is exclusively used to refer to the spying agreement now, although at one time the NSA did refer to the kit as Echelon. Part of the reason for the 'alliance' is so that say the UK state can get foriegn agents to do in the UK what would be illegal for their own agents to do. Thatcher was linked to Australian agents operating in the UK before Echelon was known about. The NarusInsight is just the latest 'network probe' identified as in use in the US for five years. This is from the wikipedia article you linked to:
"At that time, according to Newsham, the code name ECHELON was NSA's term for the computer network itself."
"At least one company, Narus, is publicly selling systems for mass surveillance of Internet traffic and one of its systems was apparently installed in 2003 in Room 641A, allegedly an intercept station run by AT&T on behalf of the NSA."
And this is a quote from the wikipedia link I provided:
"Instead, a massive, allegedly illegal program to monitor all available Internet traffic using Narus STA policeware was begun by the NSA in 2003."
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&T on January 31, 2006, accusing the telecommunication company of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the National Security Agency (NSA) in its massive, illegal program to wiretap and data-mine Americans' communications. " -
I am not criticising your article or your opposition to this new law, I just believe the law is retrospectively being introduced so that the government can openly use the data it already has. If there was a Narus machine used five years ago in the US then it is reasonable to assume that the kit in RAF Menwithhill today is at least as capable today. In other words Echelon has moved on from keyword recognition to semantic analysis. Storing and mining such huge amounts of data have also increased in power and sophistication since the 90's, which seemingly was a problem originally - they were collecting too much data to analyse.
About 15 years ago I had a talk about security service ethics and citizen privacy with someone who claimed credibly to be a 'British spy' (his description). He claimed all Irish communications were intercepted by Echelon at the time and that certain words had to be dropped from the watchlist - craic was always being false-positived for crack. He brushed aside all ethics with his simple rule of thumb - if they can do it, they do do it.
Anyway don't let my speculation stop you from following the story, reporting updates here and trying to organise against it.