It would seem that someone was needed to make the four million pound operation tornado case look like it wasn't an astronomical waste of cash.
So what did Sean do to end up in prison, what was the evidence that took a father away from his family and ended him in prison.
Sean was responsible for the SSAT website. He never swore at people on a demonstration, he never used illegal direct action to further the campaign against Sequani. He never intimidated anyone or wrote threatening letters.
The prosecution had him pegged as the organiser of most of the demonstrations at Sequani and suppliers and used hearsay evidence and phone logs to make him seem like a hub for times and places of demonstrations.
We all try to do what we can as part of a campaign against a place like Sequani, Sean had skills which allowed him to maintain the SSAT and he was not a leader he just did everything he could to help animals inside Sequani. Police saw the website as a threat and therefore Sean as a more effective activist from the group which made him a target for anti protest police.
Needless to say, the campaign continues and with love and rage in our hearts we will battle on through the police bullshit and flawed legislation until all are the cages are empty at Sequani and the horrors that animals face inside daily stops forever.
We will update the Stop Sequani site with details of how to write to Sean etc ASAP.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the Sequani Six over the past 18 weeks.
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Sequani Six
15.05.2008 14:12
Not being legally trained it would be very difficult for myself to put forward the URGENT case to the ECHR. But surely it cannot be so time consuming that a trustworthy, legal minded person cannot be found amongst people that care about liberty.
What squalid unscrupulous people are being allowed to ride rough shod over laws to protect our rights,yet introduce laws that so blatantly disrespect the human rights court, let alone domestic law.
Rights should extend to all creatures of this planet,that includes humans,although there seems to have been a sub species emerge and is in control or thinks it is.For now.
No criminal acts were committed by the six to warrant proceedings against them. If that does not constitute oppression, then ?
My heartfelt thoughts are with the six.
Love and peace to you all.For the animals.
Al Asitis
Best of luck
15.05.2008 18:16
16.05.2008 13:56
never you mind who I am!