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Zimbabwean benefit on SAT 3RD MAY

Women Together Birmingham | 24.04.2008 21:39 | Social Struggles | Birmingham

Women Together invite you to a Zimbabwean benefit on
Sat 3rd May, Coach and horses bar, 162 Mary Street, Balsall Heath, B12 9RJ
2pm - late. £3/£6 inc. food

Films 3 - 5, discussion 5 -6, food and live music, DJs from 8pm

We are showing a full length Zimbabwean film called "Flame", about women
fighters in the Zimbabwean liberation struggle and shorter clips about the
WOZA organisation (Women of Zimbabwe Arise).

For info about Flame see:

"I wanted to make FLAME because the stories of these women have never been
told. It's a tribute to their bravery, and also a reminder of how strong
they really are. They must use their strength to push themselves forward.
No government and no society is going to give them what they want. They
must take it for themselves."

"And behind their stories lies a universal theme that women everywhere
recognise - the fight for independence, and then the isolation and
disregard and suppression that follows."

For info about WOZA check out
"Based on the principles of strategic non-violence, through our actions,
WOZA creates space to allow Zimbabweans to articulate issues they may be
too fearful to raise alone."

"WOZA has conducted over 50 protests in its three-year existence and over
2,500 women have spent time in police custody, many more than once and
most for 48 hours or more. These women, front-line human rights defenders,
are willing to suffer beatings and unbearable conditions in prison cells
to exercise their constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms."

The pub has inhouse DJs from 8pm playing various African music from 8 -
late every Sat, so we'll be staying on for a good dance!

For more info contact: 07854753429, 07986453305 or 08004488686
Supported by ARC (The Anti Racist Campaign)

Women Together Birmingham
- e-mail:


Hide the following 8 comments

Some background to the event

25.04.2008 08:01

This is not a simplistic/knee-jerk anti-Mughabe, pro-"democracy" event.

The event came about because a member of Women Together wanted to support community projects that friends of hers are setting up in her home village, it is not a WOZA benefit. She will be sharing her experience of working with WOZA but she is under no illusion that the Western-supported opposition are the answer. "The vultures are circling" as she likes to put it.

The venue is a community pub ran by a Zimbabwean couple so we hope that many people from the Zimbabwean community in Birmingham will come and contribute to the discussion.

Everyone welcome to come and join in! :0)

a member of Women Together

Know the facts

25.04.2008 08:59

Comrade Mugabe after leading the country to independence from British colonial rule now faces imperial funded elements such as these who are attempting to regain control for their white masters. Comrade Mugabe will fight and defend the people from these elements who seek to return the country and the people to British rule.

Zim person

know the real facts

25.04.2008 15:10

Mugabe is a burtal tyrant who viciously oppresses anyone who dares oppose him, and under whose regime has allowed 1000% inflation, starvation, and let AIDS run rampant, reducing the life expectancy to under 40.

Say what you want about the MDC, but the soon Mugabe goes, the better.

against ALL tyrants

Women only?

25.04.2008 17:03

Is this women together event women only? looks really good would like to come along if it is.


Yes men too

25.04.2008 21:00

Hi Femmy

3-5 its women only then open to men from 5pm onwards. Hope that doesn't put you off.
I don't know if this will exclude single parent women with a male child though?

Hell Books

Pity you don't know the facts

25.04.2008 21:50

Below is what the US State Department say about Zimbabwe. Please compare this with what could be said about the US, particularly what black people or Native Americans could say about the US.

‘a. Arbitrary or Unlawful Deprivation of Life
Unlike in the previous year, there were no reports of politically motivated killings by the government or ruling party supporters…

b. Disappearance
There were no reports of disappearances during the year…

c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Although the constitution prohibits torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, security forces continued to engage in such practices. Police reportedly used excessive force in apprehending and detaining criminal suspects, as well as ordinary citizens, for holding meetings or participating in demonstrations. Government supporters continued to assault suspected opposition members. Violent confrontations between various youth groups aligned with either the government or the opposition continued…

Prison and Detention Center Conditions
Prison conditions remained harsh and life threatening…

d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The constitution and law prohibit arbitrary arrest and detention; however, some laws effectively weakened this prohibition, and security forces repeatedly arbitrarily arrested and detained persons…’

This is a report of a fact-finding mission by US politicians in 2002:

One of their conclusions is:
'We found the media accounts to be exaggerated in many respects when dealing with the modalities of the land reform program, freedom of the press and human rights conditions. In fact, despite its current financial difficulties through a combination of drought and external sanctions, Zimbabwe remains one of the most stable countries in Africa. Its economy also is still the largest on the continent after South Africa’s.'


Ignore United States intelligence on Zimbabwe - the U.S. has plans for Africa

26.04.2008 14:04

A second Scramble for Africa is well underway. All the major economic powers in the world are desperate for the natural resources that the African continent has in abundance, significantly uranium, and care not one jot for human life. That includes the U.S/UK, EU, China, India, Japan, Canada and whoever else climbs on board. That is why we see 5 million people dead in the DRC and not much media coverage lest it prove bad for business. Darfur, Somalia, Kenya, all are part of the great game of major power politics. The United States has military plans for Africa: AFRICOM. See:

I believe that Southern Africa is being systematically destabilised, with Zimbabwe at the heart of the operation. The IMF brought the Zimbabwean economy to it's knees, starting in 1991. See what happened when similar SAPS were forced on Rwanda, Yugoslavia....It takes about 10 years for the economic devastation to truly kick in.

Mr Mugabe played the West's game all along until the economy was foundering and he saw land redistribution as a way of holding on to power; THAT is when Western countries decided he was a tyrant. He was their preferred leader whilst the USSR supported the liberation struggle in South Africa and he murdered more than 20,000 Ndebele people, who were close to the ANC struggle in South Africa. Once the USSR disintegrated, Western capital orchestrated a regime change in South Africa which is creating an ever-widening gap between the rich elite and the majority who are being squeezed down into desperate poverty through privatisation, cutting of subsidies and other genocidal econonic policies favoured by the U.S. controlled IFIs.

Anyway to hell with all tyrants. The people will govern eventually, hopefully before the earth itself dies.


Addition: This is a mixed event throughout

27.04.2008 23:04

Just to make things clear this event is open to all women and men.

We had a lot of discussion (and always do) when planning the event about whether it should be women-only or mixed. We all get a hell of a lot from women only events and spaces but then we also want men to see the films, its like we want to have two different events!

When we were planning the event in a community centre it was going to be women-only 3-5 but when we chose to move it to the pub we decided that it made more sense to show the film to men and women. We were aware that we had already excluded some women who had attended our first event by the nature of it being in a pub and it had kinda become more about it being a Zimbabwean benefit than a purely Women Together event. Perhaps we will show the film again in an inclusive women-only space. :0)

member of Women Together
