In two previous worldwide peaceful protests, members of Anonymous gathered at over 100 cities with attendance over 10,000 on March 15th. The mission of February's protest was to bring to the forefront the controversial death of Lisa McPherson[3], while March's protest highlighted the Church of Scientology's unconstitutional tax exemption[4]. The protests were wildly successful, prompting massive media coverage in Los Angeles, New York City, and Clearwater, Florida.
Operation Reconnect's aim is to bring to light the Church of Scientology's immoral practice of Disconnection, through which they break up families and friendships to further isolate their members. Many former Scientologists have spoken about this in the past, however with Operation Reconnect this immoral practice is being brought to the forefront of media attention. The secondary goal for operation Reconnect includes informing the newer members of the Church of Scientology - most of whom are unaware of these practices - of the malicious intent of the corporation which runs Scientology.
Supporters of the Anonymous movement include Emmy Award winning television producer Mark Bunker[5], former high-ranking Scientologist Tory Christman[6], and former Scientologist (niece of current Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige) Jenna Miscavige-Hill[7].
An official statement of intent for Operation Reconnect can be found on, specifically at: YouTube - Operation Reconnect April 12th


[3] Video ROAD TO FEBRUARY 10, 2008 - FINAL VERSION - road, february, scientology, anonymous - Dailymotion Share Your Videos


