Saltley Methodist Church, 140 Alum Rock Road
Birmingham, B8 1HU
Since 2004, most failed asylum seekers and other undocumented migrants have been unable to access free NHS secondary care. And now the government is considering further restrictions on free healthcare by bringing primary care into line with secondary care. This would make some of the most vulnerable people in the UK ineligible for free NHS primary care, denying their right to the most basic of health care provisions and putting their health at risk.
West Midlands Anti Racist Campaign, ARC, is calling for supporters to resist this latest attack on the rights of asylum-seekers, refugees and immigrants by protesting at the surgery of Liam Byrne MP, Minister for Immigration at the Home Office.
"we all need to speak out before changes are made that exclude vulnerable people from access to free NHS care" MEDACT
Please come and support this event and circulate this mailing to your own contacts. We are hoping to get a healthy no. of medics to the protest so, if you know of any nurses, doctors or other medics who might be sympathetic, please let ARC know.
To access Liam Byrne's surgery we need someone who is resident within his Hodge Hill constituency. If you know of anyone please let us know.
You are invited to the next planning meeting for the protest, to be held at 7:00pm on 19 March at the Drum.We all need healthcare Asylum seekers face health ban
Called by: West Midlands Anti-Racist Campaign, ARC

supported by: Medact