A member of Coventry Animal Alliance has written the following appeal, on behalf of the 6 defendants currently on trial(at Birmingham Crown Court) for taking part in peaceful protests outside Sequani, an animal testing lab in Ledbury.
This was originally written primarily for the attention of animal rights groups, but it is of equal relevance to any group or individual who has an interest in justice.
We wondered if your group would be interested in joining with us, in an effort to help fellow activists, on trial for demo`s outside Sequani laboratory. They have been refused any financial help with their considerable travelling expenses, and have been told their only option is to be `remanded in custody`.
As they all live miles away from the Crown Court, and have to travel, daily, by train, this is a real concern for them. We feel, as they are fighting this `test-case` on behalf of all of us in the Animal Rights Movement, that we can best support them, by making a collection amongst the `grass-roots` groups, and dividing whatever is given, between the 6 defendants,so that,at least, their expenses would be one less problem, for them.
We, at Coventry Animal Alliance, have donated £50, and would be most grateful if your group ( or any individuals ) can contribute any amount , large or small. If you wish to send a donation, cheques/postal orders, should be made payable to `West Midlands Animal Action` and sent to -
West Midlands Animal Action,
PO Box 10202,
Worcs B98 8YT
We feel sure that, like us, you will want to support these activists, who are facing up to 5 years imprisonment, if found guilty under the Section 145 SOCPA law ( Interfering with the contractual relationships of a Laboratory ) . A law which will affect the right of all of us, to hold demo`s, however peaceful, in the future !
We have attended this trial several times during this last two weeks, and know `first-hand` that the total ban on all reporting, the buss-ing of the jurors, to and from court, `for their protection ` some witnesses giving their `evidence behind screens, and everyone scanned, entering the building, and again before being allowed into the court-room, ( even our mobile phones were taken, before we were let into the court, the woman collecting them, said that was a `first` ) are part of the shocking `bias`, intended, to give the impression that ARA`s are a danger to witnesses, jurors and the world in general, in an effort to secure convictions, against 5 women and a man, for holding placards!.
Please would you forward this e-mail to any `grass-roots` groups or individuals, who might be interested
With thanks,
Ann. CAA
Please Note - The above appeal relates to trial number 1.
A second trial, involving another 5 peaceful campaigners, is scheduled to start in July 08.
You can find out more about the campaign to stop animal torture at Sequani on the campaign website