Saturday 1st March - Birmingham City Centre
The modern intensive dairy cow suffers physical & emotional torture to provide humans with milk. She`s pregnant for nine months a year; produces gallons of milk at the same time; has her new-born babies taken from her... and it happens year after year. No wonder she`s exhausted, hungry, emaciated and depressed. She is `Britain`s Hardest Working Mother`! Read more about her suffering on our website.

The general public are largely unaware of the misery endured by dairy cows and their calves, simply to provide humans with milk they don`t need. This Viva! National Day of Action aims to spread awareness to the masses. In Birmingham, as people spend their money on flowers, gifts etc for their mothers, we`ll grab their attention with a hilarious publicity stunt!
Join us for some jaw-dropping, hilarious street theatre to raise awareness of the sickening cruelty inflicted on dairy cows!
Some of us will wear aprons, dressing gowns, slippers, rubber gloves and cow masks, whilst using hoovers, mop/bucket, ironing board, dusters etc in the street!!!! Whilst the general public look on in amazement, they will be handed leaflets which will reveal the shocking truth, urging them to ditch dairy. Campaigners in Redditch had a very successful day when they staged a similar event. Click this link for a report with photos.

Whether you`re into dressing up or not, please join us if you can. If you want to take part in the street theatre, try to bring some appropriate clothing and cleaning/housework props with you. Leaflets and posters will be provided.
We will meet at 11am at the bottom of the ramp out of The Pallasades Shopping Centre(where Corporation Street meets New Street). Contact us for further details.
Read more about Viva!`s campaign