As you may know there is an election for London Mayor in the next few months. Is there a message you would like to be sent to Gordon Brown and Ken Livingstone?
Support Brian Haw for London Mayor 2008 and your message will be delivered.
Brian Haw has received extensive international media coverage and has had visitors from numerous countries as a result. Many people from the UK and from abroad have made contributions to Brian's display with their own messages of peace. Mayor Ken Livingstone and Sir Ian Blair have staged a sustained campaign of persecution against Brian which has included fencing the square and staging a raid with 23 police officers who removed the display. Both actions were declared illegal by the High Court but their vendetta against Brian has continued unabated using taxpayers money. Laws have been changed to try and stop Brian’s protest. Is this a good use of police resources? Brian has pledged to end the phoney war on terror and will seek the dismissal and prosecution of senior Met officers for the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes.
Now Brian Haw is running for London Mayor as an independent candidate. Join the campaign and help clean up politics and stop the genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever else they want to invade next. Brian Haw is the only anti-sleaze, anti-war and anti-establishment candidate. Brian was elected in a poll by Channel 4 viewers ‘The most Inspiring Political Personality of the Year’ with 54% of the vote, He really can win and become London Mayor like a modern day Dick Whittington.
London is more congested and more polluted after 8 years of Ken Livingstone. Our fines and charges have been used by Ken Livingstone to buy illegal hollow nosed bullets and tasers for our police and help pay for the phoney war on terror. Brian will put our police back catching real criminals such as drug dealers, rapists and muggers. Ken Livingstone has supported Gordon Brown in his war against Muslims, the blood is on his hands as much as Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.
Liberal candidate Brian Paddick is soft on drugs and supports Sir Ian Blair with regards to the sanctioned murder of Jean Charles de Menezes. Nothing will change if Brian Paddick wins as he is part of the same corrupt system.
Conservative Boris Johnson is purely a candidate for comic value.
Volunteers urgently needed. Lets kick these war criminals out of office and take our country back. Brian pledges if elected to use his position to campaign to bring our troops home. Brian will also expose the bungs and sleaze and corruption that has dominated the Labour government and Greater London Authority. He promises to bring common sense and honestly in politics. Give them a bloody nose and elect Brian Haw London Mayor.
Truth, Liberty and Peace.
To Volunteer or Join please Email:
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