Thursday, 13th December 2007, 7pm
Lucas Arms pub, 245a Grays Inn Road, Kings Cross, London
Saturday 15th December 2007, 3 pm
Shaheed Uhdam Singh Welfare Centre, 346 Soho Rd, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 9QL
Indian Workers Association GB, Britain South Asia Solidarity Forum, International League of Peoples Struggle & World Peoples Resistance Movement
Nandigram is located in a remote corner of West Bengal in East Medinipur district, 180 kms from Kolkata, West Bengal in India. On January 3 this year a notification was issued by the Haldia Development Authority indicating that 19000 acres of cultivated land would be acquired for establishment of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the area to be developed mainly by the Salim group of Indonesia as a chemical plant.
But the villagers of Nandigarm protested and refused to give up their lands. On March 14 the police joined by the CPIM cadres from outside launched brutal raids against the villages. The villagers were fired upon. Tens of villagers were murdered. Despite the savage attacks the villagers refused to move. Defeated the thugs were withdrawn preparing for another attack later on.
On early morning of November 5, after 10 months of heroic resistance by the villagers of Nandigram, large gangs of professional mercenaries led by CPIM cadres came down heavily from all the sides to ‘recapture Nandigram’ using sophisticated arms – gunning down people, burning huts, looting and raping. While the state machinery deliberately looked the other way, roads were blocked, journalists were denied access and activists were barred from entry to the region. By the November 12, the criminal operation ‘recapture’ was almost over. Hundreds murdered and tens of thousands stand evicted and live as refugees in dire conditions in camps.
Please join us to hear our guest GN Saibaba from India speak on the recent events and the people’s struggle in and around Nandigarm and introduce initiatives in support of the victims of Nandigarm.
Let us join together and discuss the need and the possibility of launching a campaign in Britain in support of the Nandigarm villagers and other similar victims of corporate greed being dispossessed and displaced under the guise of ‘development’.
Further info see: