Birmingham Food not Bombs for a day of action against McDonald`s in B`ham
City Centre.
Shopping Centre(where Corporation Street meets New Street). From there we
will head off for a quick tour of the McD`s within easy walking distance.
When the tour reaches the final McD`s, B`ham FnB will set up a stall and
distribute free food to the masses!!
Protest & leaflet against everything that's wrong with McDonald's - animal
cruelty, exploitation of workers, damaging the planet, promoting unhealthy
food, marketing to young children and much more.
Please bring banners, placards, costumes, props, friends etc. Leaflets
will be provided. Mobile contact on the day - 07963 606194.
The event is timed to coincide with World Food Day on Tues 16 Oct - the
22nd Global Day of Action Against McDonald`s. Read more about the campaign